Sunday, June 29, 2014

Open de Espana - Becerril de la Sierra UCI C2

Ei tea kohe, kust otsast alustada, alustan tulemusest, seekord poodiumilt väljas ja neljas koht.
Ei ole tulemusega rahul, kuna tean, et suudaksin paremini, aga samas olen tulemusega rahul, kuna täna tegin kõik, mis suutsin. Ehk et sellised vastastikkused tunded sees.
Sõitsin jälle laupäeva hommikul ja lõunaks olin võistluspaigas, samuti üle 1000m merepinnast nagu eelmine Open de Espana. Rada väga lahe, palju singlit ja kive, kohti kus vaadata sõidutrajektoori, esimesel tutvumisringil oli palju seismajäämist ja vaatamist ja proovimist, tundus nagu üks keeruline koht järgneb teisele, kuid teisel ringil, kus juba rada ja trajektoorid teada, oli mõnus ja tegelikult ka valus, palju järske nukke üles, kus ei saanud lihtsalt rahulikult minna, pidi sprintima ja hoolega rada valima, et rattal püsida.
Hotelli jõudes olin ikka päris läbi, need viis tundi autosõitu ja poolteist tundi rajal olid oma võtnud. Samamoodi valutas pea nagu eelmine kord Open de Espanal laupäeval, siis mõtlesin, et ehk sõidust, kuid nüüd arvan, et ehk kõrguste vahest + treeningkoormus väsinud kehale.
Korralikust puhkamisest kahjust midagi välja ei tulnud, hotellil olid rõdudel päiksesirmid, millede konstruktsioonid lõgisesid hirmsasti tuulega ja tuul oli tugev. Isegi minu kõrvatropid, mida alati kasutan, ei suutnud müra täiesti summutada.
Ärkasin hommikul ja ei tahtnud kella uskuda, ma olin väss, aga pidin üles tõusma!
Mind hakkab Hispaanias ära tüütama, et start hilineb, eelmine kord oli peaaegu ajakavas kinni, kuna oli ka UCI kohtunik mujalt, kuid nüüd hilines start lõpuks üle poole tunni. Ja siis ka veel jama, teadsin, et peaksin kolmanda-neljandana starti kutsutud olema, kui siis juba hakati kutsuma mulle tundmatuid nägusid, läksin kohtuniku juurde ja ültesin, et see nüüd küll UCI rankingu järgi nimekiri ei ole, ta vaatas numbrit, küsis nime ja lasi veel mul üles kirjutada, et kuidas mu nimi on, nimekirjas ei olnudki minu nime!! Kuigi eelmine päev oli number ja ajavõtukiip antud ja linnuke kirja pandud. Starti seega head ei saanud, teisest reast ja väga kiiresti läks rada singlile.
Kui aus olla, siis hommikul, kui oleksin enda tunnet ainult kuulanud, siis ei oleks üldse starti läinud, kuid mõistus ütles, et ega ma nii kaugele ei sõitnud, et mitte isegi proovida, kuna mõnel päeval läheb tunne paremaks. Ja samas meeldis mulle ka rada, kuigi hea tundega oleks veel rohkem meeldinud!
Sõitsin alates esimesest ringist neljandal kohal ja rohkemat seekord ei suutnud. Tegelikult ma tahtsin ikka öelda, et andsin endast parima ja sain neljanda koha :)
Aitäh kõigile!!

Ja täiesti teemast mööda juttu ka. Ma juba mitu kuud näen ühte ja sama unenägu, õnneks mitte iga päev, kuid nii pidevalt, et tasakesi hakkab juba häirima. Sõidan ma siis autoga ja mul on vaja tagurdada, tagurdan tasakesti ja vaatan, et nüüd on piisav ja vajutan pidurit. Aga piduri asemel on hoopis gaas ja auto lisab hoogu, siis on paanikatunne, vajutan veel kõvemini pidurit ja auto kiirendab ja sõidab millegile otsa, see on unenägudes erinev, kord teine auto, kord post jne. Tihtipeale ärkan selle paanikatundega üles, tänagi oli üks neist päevadest.. nagu võib arvata siis päriselt autot juhtides olen tagurdamisel hullu ettevaatlik :D See jutt siis no nii mööda minnes, et äkki keegi on spets unenägude seletamisel ja kuidas neist lahti saada :D

I dont know really where to start, I start with result, this time out of podium and fourth place. I am not happy with the result as I know I could do better, but I am happy with my result as I did all I could today. So little bit mixed feelings inside.
Again I drove there on Saturday morning and by midday I was there, again more than 1000m above sea-level as last Open de Espana. Track was really cool, a lot of single tracks and rocks, and many places to check lines, first lap on the course had so many stops and looking and trying, felt like one tricky place is followed by another one, but already on the second lap it was nice and flowing, but also painful, track had many steep uphills, where needed to sprint and choose the right line to get up on the bike.
Arriving to the hotel I was really tired, those five hours driving and one and half on the track had taken a lot out of me. Also like on the last Open de Espana Saturday my head was in real pain, last time I thought maybe it’s the drive, but now I think maybe it’s the altitude plus the training with tiredness.
Unfortunately could not rest very well, the hotel had sunshades on the balconies and those constructions made so much noise with wind and there was a lot of wind. Even my eardrops could not make it silent.
I woke up in the morning and I could not believe the time, I was so tired and I needed to wake up!
I start to get annoyed in Spain that the start is always late, last time was more or less, as there was a foreign UCI commissaire, but today it was delayed more than 30 minutes. And there was more mess, I knew I should be called to start third or fourth, but when they called already unknown names for me, I went to the commissaire and said hey its not by the UCI ranking, he looked at my number, asked my name, then asked to write it down for him, as my name was not on the list!! Although they had given me the number and chip and marked me in the race on Saturday. So I did not have good start, from second row and it went to single quite fast.
If to be honest then if I could have only listen to my feeling I would not have gone to the start, but my head said that I did not come so far for not even to try and sometimes the feelings change during race. And also I liked the track, although I would have loved it with some good energy feelings!
From the first lap I rode in the fourth place and could not do more. Actually what I wanted to say is that I did my best and achieved fourth place J
Thank you all!!

And also something totally out of context. For many months now I constantly see one and the same dream, not every night, but often enough for it start to annoy me. I am driving in my car and I need to reverse. So I back up in rear gear and see that its enough and start to brake, but instead of braking the car gives speed, so I panic and push the brake pedal even harder and the car accelerates and I hit something, this is different, sometimes another car, sometimes a post etc. Often I wake up with the panic feeling, that happened also today, as you may think I am really cautious when I drive in rear gear in real :D So this stories just if someone is specialist in dream explanation and how to make it stop :D


  1. I like the area around the track. It would be possible to take many great photos during the race.

    It seems like they don't want foreign riders to take away points from spanish riders. Or is it just a coincidence that the mess at the start of the race always happens in Spain?


    I had similar dream but only about three times. I also drove a car, into the left bend and needed to slow down but the break pedal was stiff. So I pushed it more and more but the car didn't slow down and I fell from a hillside. Then I woke up everytime.

    I don't have any advice to help you, maybe the dream will go away by itself.
    But I understand it can be annoying. How long has it been since you had this kind of dream first time?


    1. Yes it was a great area and great track to ride on!
      Well I try not to think that the foreigners are not welcomed, but sometimes it really does feel that way...

      I dont remember when they started just now I start to have enough of them :D I had one advice to push the clutch as well then the gas dont mind, if I see it another time I will try it :D
