Monday, July 14, 2014

MTB Nordic Cup2 - Valkeakoski UCI C2

See nädal siis juba põhjapool võistlemas, jõudsin kodumaale nädala keskel ja nädalavahetusel käisin Soomes võistlemas.
Rada oli lahe, korralik mtb rada, tõuse ja laskumisi ja hästi palju kive! Nii palju kive, et kuigi ma küllaltki harjunud raputavate radadega, siis seekord andis peale finishit selg tunda, et seekord oli veel rohkem.
Pühapäevaks jõudis ka soojus kohale, kraade näitas 29 kui sõit hakkas.
Stardist hästi ja esimese ringi sõitsin ees, raputasin peale ühe soomlanna teised maha, teisel ringil läks tema oma teed ja nii sõitsime me lõpuni.
Korraldajad olid väga abivalmid ja sõbralikud, rada tiptop, hea nädalavahetus.
Natuke kurvaks teeb asjaolu, et siin Eestis on võimatu korralikku mtb rada teha ja nii lähedal kui üle lahe on juba võimalused olemas...

Fotod Jukka Isotalo

Photos Jukka Isotalo

This week already racing in Northern Europe, I arrived Estonia in the middle of week and the weekend I spent in Finland.
The course was cool, real mtb course, climbs and descends and a lot of stones! So many rocks that my back hurt after the finish, although I am more less used to shaky grounds, then this one was even more.
On Sunday the day was hot, 29 degrees when we started.
I got off well from start, first lap ahead and could lose all others but one Finnish girl, she rode away from me on the second and in that order we arrived to finish.
The organizers were really helpful and friendly, course was great, good weekend.
Its sad to think that here in Estonia its impossible to make great mtb track and so close as only cross the sea there are the conditions...


  1. Well done!
    That trail in the woods looks really nice.
    Why is it not possible to build such a track in Estonia?

    1. Thank you!
      Yes the trails were amazing.
      This side of the sea, well the landscape does not slope, so here I have ´´hills´´ only on river banks, and the ground is not that kind of stone, so in Estonia you dont find that kind of rocky places.

  2. On wikipedia I have found that highest point is 318 m, you are right, it's hardly a hill :-)
    But I see there are many nice lakes and woods to explore.
