Monday, April 24, 2023

XCO Vila Franca

 Eile toimus UCI C1 Vila Francas, ei kuulunud ühtegi sarja, aga tore võistlus, mulle on alati meeldinud sealne rada, kuigi on raske ja kohati väga järsk tõus, mis mulle tavaliselt väga ei sobi, aga sellel rajal on nii palju loomulikku kivi, et see teeb kõik natuke lahedamaks, samas selline vanamoeline rada, et suhteliselt ümmargune, et publikul on raske rohkem kui ühte kohta näha, samas sõitjana on rada lahe. Läheb üles-üles, siis on laskumine, mis tundub, et saab väga kiiresti läbi (hästi palju kivi ja liine) ja tõus jätkub ja siis pikalt alla, kiire laskumine kurve ja kive, väga meeldib, seal saab olulist vahet teha, kui lühikestel laskumistel ei pane ehk eelist tähelegi, siis sellisel pikemal sain reaalselt konkurentidelt eest. Siis veel siledamat ja stardi-finishi osa. 

Stardi sain hea, kuid enne singlile minekut jäin kergelt karpi ja sain singlile mingi 8ndana ehk, seal kummipaelana kõik venis eriti kui mingid kurvid ja kivid üles olid, ehk esimeste rong liikus lihtsalt eest ilma et oleks midagi teha saanud, olin oma 8ndal kohal, siis ring ringilt kui sai nii tõusudel kui laskumistel enda tempos teha sain kätte naisi, ka tagant oli üks kes koguaeg ikka kannale astus, aga ei tahtnud kuidagi enda kohta loovutada, nagu mainisin, siis viimastel ringidel (viis oli kokku), kui sain pika laskumise enda tempos teha, ka sprintisin tõusu lõpus, et ikka saaks esimesena laskuma, seal sain head vahet teha. Lõpuks neljas naine, rahul enda tundega, võistlusmomentidega. 

Aitäh !

Yesterday was UCI race C1 in Vila Franca, didnt belong to any cup, but nice race and the track there has always been to my liking, altough long and at parts very steep climb, that normally dont suit me, but on this course it has so much natural rock, that it makes it nice. Quite old school track in that sense that it is round, for spectators you can see racers going past mostly in one spot, but to race on the track is fun. It goes up-up, then a downhill part that seems to end so soon (lots of rock and lines) and then the climb continues until the long downhill starts, with curves and rocks, and fast parts, I like it a lot, you can make good gaps there, if on shorter ones you cant really see much difference in time , but on that one I could literally see the seconds gained on the downhill. Then flatter part and start-finish area.

I got a good start, but got boxed in going to the single track, and I got there like 8th, it was a rubber band on the singles and with rocks and turns, the front train went away without even getting a chance to try to go with, so I was there by 8th place, then lap by lap as I could ride my own pace up and down I started to catch ladies, also one from behind wanted to catch me, so it was tight race, but last laps (total of 5) when I could flow down, I did also spint at the top to get first on the single, I could make some time. Fourth at the finish, happy with my race and sensations.

Thank you!

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