Nädal peale eelmisi võistlusi möödus raskendatult, korralik köha ja nohu, mis ajas läga kehast välja, proovisin hoida end rohkemast külmetamisest ja samas teha trenni, mis ei läinud seega eriti meeldivalt mööda, kuna keha ei olnud terve, aga kuna palavikku ei tõusnud, otsustasin et teen kõik trennid ära, mis plaanis ja samuti laupäeval otsustasin starti minna. Olin valmis ka maha tulema, kui väga hulluks olemine läheb, ehk et kui lõõrid üldse läbi ei taha õhku lasta.
Rada sain vaatama alles enne võistlust, oli muudatusi, mida oleks rohkem tahtnud harjutada ja liine vaadata, kuid oli nagu oli ja jäin nende liinide juurde, mis olid kindlamad, ei tahtnud ka eelmise nädala saatust korrata.
Sõitsin Iirisega koos, neljanda ringi alguses viiest pidin järgi anda ja ta läks eest, väga sujuv sõit tema poolt. Endaga olin ka rahul, teadsin, et ei tulnud võistlusele värskena ja samuti ka tervis käest, et väga hästi lõppes päev, kui hommikul olin valmis ka maha tulema.
Nüüd proovin täielikult terveks saada ja võtan ka treeningkoormuse maha, et keha saaks puhates terveneda ja tugevneda.
Aitäh kõigile ja samuti ka Dianale, kes raja ääres kaasa elas ja joogipunktis abiks oli.
The week after the last races went by with difficulties, hard cough and stuffy nose, I tried to avoid further colds but yet still get my trainings done, so it wasn't pleasant week, but as I didn't get fever I decided to still keep on my plan and be on the start line on Saturday. I was prepared to not to finish if things got worse.
I only could check the track on Saturday and as it had changed, I would have like to have more time to check lines and try different lines, but as it was as it was, I stuck with the sure lines, as also didn't want to rewrite the last race future again.
I rode together with Iiris, beginning of fourth lap of five had to ease and she got away, she rode very smooth race. I was content with myself as well, I knew I was not fresh nor healthy going to the race, so it ended well considering that I was prepared also to not finish.
Now I really try to get well and also take off the training load, so the body really could rest and recover and get stronger.
Thank you all and also to Diana, who was besides track cheering well and being at the feedzone.
Rada sain vaatama alles enne võistlust, oli muudatusi, mida oleks rohkem tahtnud harjutada ja liine vaadata, kuid oli nagu oli ja jäin nende liinide juurde, mis olid kindlamad, ei tahtnud ka eelmise nädala saatust korrata.
Sõitsin Iirisega koos, neljanda ringi alguses viiest pidin järgi anda ja ta läks eest, väga sujuv sõit tema poolt. Endaga olin ka rahul, teadsin, et ei tulnud võistlusele värskena ja samuti ka tervis käest, et väga hästi lõppes päev, kui hommikul olin valmis ka maha tulema.
Nüüd proovin täielikult terveks saada ja võtan ka treeningkoormuse maha, et keha saaks puhates terveneda ja tugevneda.
Aitäh kõigile ja samuti ka Dianale, kes raja ääres kaasa elas ja joogipunktis abiks oli.
The week after the last races went by with difficulties, hard cough and stuffy nose, I tried to avoid further colds but yet still get my trainings done, so it wasn't pleasant week, but as I didn't get fever I decided to still keep on my plan and be on the start line on Saturday. I was prepared to not to finish if things got worse.
I only could check the track on Saturday and as it had changed, I would have like to have more time to check lines and try different lines, but as it was as it was, I stuck with the sure lines, as also didn't want to rewrite the last race future again.
I rode together with Iiris, beginning of fourth lap of five had to ease and she got away, she rode very smooth race. I was content with myself as well, I knew I was not fresh nor healthy going to the race, so it ended well considering that I was prepared also to not finish.
Now I really try to get well and also take off the training load, so the body really could rest and recover and get stronger.
Thank you all and also to Diana, who was besides track cheering well and being at the feedzone.
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