Sunday, July 21, 2019


Seekord Eesti Meistrivõistlustel XCO alal naiste üldarvestuse 6. koht (ainult eliidi sõitjate seas 3.).
Vahest on tahtmine suurem ja ma ei suuda pingega hakkama saada, kuid ette näidata saan vaid tulemust, mis seekord tagasihoidlik, reaalselt tean, et võinuks kindlasti üldarvestuse 3nda koha peale võidelda, aga võinuksid/oleksid ei loe.
Mul vahest juhtub nii et pinge, mis endale laon, murrab mu. Õhtul oli selline pingelangus, et tõesti raske oli, aga eks see perfektsionist ei saa ka kergemalt võtta minu sees, mitte ainult sportlase pool, vaid see treeneri, mehaaniku, organiseerija, autojuhi jne pool, kõik pooled minus proovisid natuke rohkem kui muidu ja ma lihtsalt ei suutnud vastu pidada. Eks ma pean natuke kergemalt võtma, aga seda on väga palju kergem öelda kui teha, kuna see läheb mul hinge, mida ma teen.
Ei ole kerge selliste hetkedega ja selle järelvõngetega hakkama saada, kuid nagu ütlus ütleb, et peab pead püsti hoidma, et kroon maha ei kukuks! :D
Suur suur aitäh kõigile raja ääres kaasaelajatele, annab tõesti rohkem jõudu kui nimeliselt kaasa elatakse! Aitäh kõigile ja ka mu toetajatele ja kaasaelajatele kaugemal kui raja ääres!

This year at Estonian championships in XCO women overall result 6. place (only in elite riders 3). Sometimes my wish is bigger than I can handle and the stress breaks me, but all I can show is the result, was not glamorous this time, I know for sure I could have been able to fight for the 3 rd spot in overall, but could have does not count.
It happens sometimes with me that the stress and tension that builds up in me, breaks me. In the evening after I had real big release of tension, but the perfectionist in me was too strong, not only the athlete side, but the coach side, mechanic, organizer, driver etc. all these parts wanted just a little more than usual, and I just could not handle it. Well I have to take it a bit more easy, but it is much more easy to say than do, because I really care what I do.
It is not easy to except and aftermath with these feeling, but as the saying goes - you have to hold your head up for the crown not to fall! :D
Big big thank you all of you besides the track, it really is good to hear the cheerers by name besides the track! Thank you all and also my supporters and cheerers who were some places other than besides the track!

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