Seda võistlust ei olnud kirjas, aga ega seda võistlust kuskil kirjas ei olnud, vaid pidustuste plakatil ja seda ka vaid nii palju, et kell 18 rattavõistlus.
Info käis korraldajate ja tiimide vahel, taheti natuke naisi ka sõitma ja võeti ka meie tiimiga ühendust, kus lubati esikolmikule samamoodi rahalisi auhindu kui meestele.
No ma kalkuleerisin, et minek ja tulek ja hea trenn ja tasub ära, seega läksin.
Infona teadsin nii palju, et kell 18 algab ja on 40km ja võitja saab 100 eurot.
Kohale jõudsin ja väike selline külake, kus tänaval pidu, muusika ja tänavaputkad, kaunistused.
Võistlus ise siis kuskil kalendris ei ole, ehk piraat. Starti said kõik end kirja panna, oli vanu, oli noori, oli kiireid oli aeglaseid. Ringide peal, 12 ringi, kus kaks korralikku põntsu sees, kus lihtsalt hooga üles ei saa. Stardist minema, proovisin end esimesel auto taga ringil, mis oli raja näitamiseks, ettepoole hoida, et imelikest olukordadest pääseda, kui auto eest, siis pandi sada sisse ja kohe oli riburada sõitjaid, sõitsin seal, kui palju mul jalga oli, nii palju pingutusest, et kella kahe paiku söödud lõuna, tuli kurku tagasi. Ehk korralik pingutus ja lõpuni välja, tore oli et pidustuste raames oli palju rahvast raja ääres kaasa elamas.
Siis oma auhinnaraha järele, ümbrik käes hea olla, kuni minu tiimikaaslane, avas ja ütles, et oot midagi on valesti, vähem on sees. Meie tiimipealik proovis seal klaarida, kuid korraldajad jäid oma juurde (ega kuskil ju kirjas must-valgel ei olnud), muidu ehk oleks isegi veel leppinud, kuid korraldaja hoiak, et hea et me teile naistele üldse midagi anname, ala et kas te üldse sõita jõuate, oli mulle täielikult vastukarva, seega rohkem nad mind seal ei näe. Infoks et sain poole vähem ja vähemalt reisikulud said kaetud.
Ja korralik pingutus eelolevaks nädalavahetuseks ka!
Aitäh Sulle kes sa siin ikka loed ja kaasa elad!
This race was not on my schedule, well this race was in nowhere, just on a poster that said in small print 18 hours cycling event.
The info was forwarder by organizers and teams, as they wanted to have women riders as well, they contacted my team as well, they promised same monetary prizes as men.
So I calculated that travel and good training and a bit of pocket money would be good, so I went.
I just know that the race was at 18 in Grijo, 40km and winner takes 100 euros.
I arrived, was a small village, streets in party, with music, street food, decorations.
The race wasn't in no calendar, so it was a pirate, everybody could enter, so there was old, young, fast and slow riders. It was on laps, 12 laps, lap had two considerable uphills, where you had to push to get up. Away from the gun, first lap behind a car to get to know the lap, I tried to be upfront and avoid any awkward situations, when the car went off, the speed was sky high and all the riders in lines. I rode where I had the legs, just to make you understand how hard I went - I could taste the lunch again that I had eaten at 14 . So it was a good effort and it was nice to have spectators (that had come for the street party) besides the road.
Then to get my prize money, got the envelope, feeling good, until my team mate opened hers and said it was not correct. Our team manager tried to settle it with the organizers, but they sticked with their things (as there was also no real written commitment), I would have even been not too disgusted with the organizers, but their attitude, that oh its good that we even give something to you girls, like do you even know how to ride attitude, was totally against my views, so I will never go back to that race. For information I got half what was promised, but at least I got the travel expenses.
And a good effort to prepare for the weekend!
Thank you who you are here reading and cheering!
Info käis korraldajate ja tiimide vahel, taheti natuke naisi ka sõitma ja võeti ka meie tiimiga ühendust, kus lubati esikolmikule samamoodi rahalisi auhindu kui meestele.
No ma kalkuleerisin, et minek ja tulek ja hea trenn ja tasub ära, seega läksin.
Infona teadsin nii palju, et kell 18 algab ja on 40km ja võitja saab 100 eurot.
Kohale jõudsin ja väike selline külake, kus tänaval pidu, muusika ja tänavaputkad, kaunistused.
Võistlus ise siis kuskil kalendris ei ole, ehk piraat. Starti said kõik end kirja panna, oli vanu, oli noori, oli kiireid oli aeglaseid. Ringide peal, 12 ringi, kus kaks korralikku põntsu sees, kus lihtsalt hooga üles ei saa. Stardist minema, proovisin end esimesel auto taga ringil, mis oli raja näitamiseks, ettepoole hoida, et imelikest olukordadest pääseda, kui auto eest, siis pandi sada sisse ja kohe oli riburada sõitjaid, sõitsin seal, kui palju mul jalga oli, nii palju pingutusest, et kella kahe paiku söödud lõuna, tuli kurku tagasi. Ehk korralik pingutus ja lõpuni välja, tore oli et pidustuste raames oli palju rahvast raja ääres kaasa elamas.
Siis oma auhinnaraha järele, ümbrik käes hea olla, kuni minu tiimikaaslane, avas ja ütles, et oot midagi on valesti, vähem on sees. Meie tiimipealik proovis seal klaarida, kuid korraldajad jäid oma juurde (ega kuskil ju kirjas must-valgel ei olnud), muidu ehk oleks isegi veel leppinud, kuid korraldaja hoiak, et hea et me teile naistele üldse midagi anname, ala et kas te üldse sõita jõuate, oli mulle täielikult vastukarva, seega rohkem nad mind seal ei näe. Infoks et sain poole vähem ja vähemalt reisikulud said kaetud.
Ja korralik pingutus eelolevaks nädalavahetuseks ka!
Aitäh Sulle kes sa siin ikka loed ja kaasa elad!
This race was not on my schedule, well this race was in nowhere, just on a poster that said in small print 18 hours cycling event.
The info was forwarder by organizers and teams, as they wanted to have women riders as well, they contacted my team as well, they promised same monetary prizes as men.
So I calculated that travel and good training and a bit of pocket money would be good, so I went.
I just know that the race was at 18 in Grijo, 40km and winner takes 100 euros.
I arrived, was a small village, streets in party, with music, street food, decorations.
The race wasn't in no calendar, so it was a pirate, everybody could enter, so there was old, young, fast and slow riders. It was on laps, 12 laps, lap had two considerable uphills, where you had to push to get up. Away from the gun, first lap behind a car to get to know the lap, I tried to be upfront and avoid any awkward situations, when the car went off, the speed was sky high and all the riders in lines. I rode where I had the legs, just to make you understand how hard I went - I could taste the lunch again that I had eaten at 14 . So it was a good effort and it was nice to have spectators (that had come for the street party) besides the road.
Then to get my prize money, got the envelope, feeling good, until my team mate opened hers and said it was not correct. Our team manager tried to settle it with the organizers, but they sticked with their things (as there was also no real written commitment), I would have even been not too disgusted with the organizers, but their attitude, that oh its good that we even give something to you girls, like do you even know how to ride attitude, was totally against my views, so I will never go back to that race. For information I got half what was promised, but at least I got the travel expenses.
And a good effort to prepare for the weekend!
Thank you who you are here reading and cheering!
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