Monday, May 30, 2016

Portugal Cup Enduro - Sao Bras de Alportel

Esimene Portugali karikasarja etapp enduro sõidus toimus Algarves. Kuna Portugalis oli kalendris punased päevad enne nädalavahetust, saime tiimikaaslastega kohale minna varem kui laupäeval.
Seega sain rajad läbi sõita kaks korda enne võistlust.
Kokku oli 5 PECi, teises oli päris palju pedaalimist lõpuosas, kolmas ja neljas olid kivised, kus natuke oli hirm kummi lõhkuda, viies oli minu lemmik, kus oli kiireid looklevaid sirgeid, hüppeid ja ka kive ja siksak kurve.
Võistlusel kohe esimeses PECis rikkus mu tuju ära minust 20 sekundit eespool startinud naine, kes oli kukkunud ja sain talle siis sappa juba siis kui olin alles 10 sekundit rajast sõitnud ja rada ta mulle kohe ei andnud, hüüdsin, karjusin, olin juba väga pahane, kuna tempo, mis tema sõitis oli minu jaoks aeglane, lõpuks võttis kõrvale ja sain sõita ka. Peale PECi pahandasin ka, et nii ikka ei saa, et kiirema peab kohe mööda laskma ja siis kordus kõik jälle PEC2!!! Jessas küll noh! Kuna selles oli lõpupooles palju pedaalimist, siis püüdsin ka endast 40 sekundit enne startinud naise kinni, kes, ma teadsin, et võib konkurentsi pakkuda, seega selles PECis sain korraliku vahe.
PEC3s oli kohe peale stardipakku üks hüpe, minu ees 20sek startinud naine pani seal pikali ja oigas päris kõvasti, kohe tõttati talle appi, kuid starti oodates valdasid mind nüüd teistsugused emotsioonid, üks oli see, et ta seal maas oigas, teine oli see et ma enne olin juba valmis et pean temaga ka PEC3 karjuma, et selline paha tunne valdas mind, selle PEC3 siis sõitsin pigem läbi kui võistlesin, kuna rohkem oli peas mõtteid kui fokuseerimist rajale.
PEC4 sain juba end tagasi ja andsin tuld, seal oli üks hüpe siksak kurvide vahel, tegin ilusti hüppe ära, kuid järgnevat kurvi enam ei teinud, seal siis puu taga natuke mässasin, enne kui rajale tagasi sain.
PEC5 oli siis lemmik ja läksin sõitsin puhtalt läbi.
Kuna ajavõtt käis neil seal käsitsi, siis panid nad aegadega ka puusse, et oleks tahtnud enda tegelikke aegu teada, kuid need enam-vähem õiged ajad andsin ikka kiireima naise tulemuse.
Olen oma sõitudega rahul ja oli tore nädalavahetus rattal.

First Portugal Cup race in enduro racing started in Algarve. As Portugal had some holidays before the weekend, then we could go there with teammates before the weekend started. So I could ride the trails twice before the race.
In total were 5 PECs, the PEC2 had quite a lot of pedalling in the second part, third and fourth were quite rocky, where I was a bit afraid to have a flat, the fifth was my favorite, lots of flowy fast corners, jumps, rocky sections and zigzags.
On race day, I was upset already after the first 10 seconds of the race, in the PEC1 the girl who started before me had crashed and got back on bike just as I arrived to her back, I yelled and screamed for her to let me pass, but nothing, I was getting upset with every second as the pace she was going was way too slow for me, finally she put her bike out of the way. After the finish of PEC1 I made it clear to her that this is not the way, and we need to let the faster get pass right away. And then it all repeated in PEC2!!! Come on! As this one had lots of pedalling in the end part, then I also caught up with the girl who had started 40 seconds before me, I knew she is the closest rival to me in race, so I got a nice gap.
In PEC3 we had a small jump after the starting ramp, the girl who started 20 seconds before me crashed there and screamed in pain, there was help for her right away, but as I was in the start ramp, all different emotions took over me, one was that I just saw a person yelling in pain, the other was that I was already so prepared to scream with her to let me pass in the PEC, so I felt bad, so PEC3 I rather rode through than raced through, too many thoughts running through mind and focus was low. PEC4 I got myself together and race mode was on again, there was one tricky jump between zigzag corners, I made the jump but wasnt able to take the corner, so behind the tree there I lost some time.
PEC5 as my favorite I went and enjoyed the race.
The timing was made by hand and they had some troubles with it, dont really know if all the times were correct, but I got my first place that I was after.
I am happy with my rides and it was a  nice weekend on bike.
Thank you!