Viimane karikasarja etapp Avis linnas on nüüd seljataga, mitte just sellisel moel nagu lootsin, kuid seekord niimoodi.
Varem pole seal sõitnud ja rada oli hea, kuid seda pigem kuiva ilmaga, kuna päris palju oli järske nukke ja pinnas vihmaga läks väga libedaks, samuti oli palju kive, mis mudakiht peal olid nagu liuväli. Esimene pool rajast meeldis rohkem, seal oli vinksa-vonksa, teine pool rajast oli rohkem pikalt sirget, üles ja ka alla. Päris palju oli negatiivset kallet, mis vihmaga muutusid huvitavaks. Laupäeval sain treeningul vähe vihma, kuid oli kohe arusaada, milliseks võib rada rohkema vihmaga muutuda, meie stardiaeg oli tavalisest 2h hiljem ja selleks ajast jõudis suurem vihmapilv ilusti kohale.
Kohe stardist sain aru, et ei ole just minu päev ja mootor ei tööta nii kuis peaks, kuid üritasin, Lucia kasutas kohe võimalust ja läks võistlust juhtima, teisel ringil võtsin end kokku, vihmast libedal rajal läks meie sõiduaeg pikale, lõpuaeg üle 2h! Teisel ringil siis sain esimesest ehmatusest, et miks mul minekut ei ole jagu ja proovisin tahtega, ühel laskumisel kus oli negatiivse kaldega kive ka, läks aga taguratas alt ja lendasin selili kivide peale, mõtlesin, et nüüd ongi läbi, kuna valu oli päris karm, kuid ergutust pakkus üks juunior, kes mu taga sõitis, hüüdis, et hinga sügavalt ja läheb, läheb. Läksingi, kuid enam ei olnud ka väga seda kindlust rattal ja kuna jalgu ka ei olnud siis tahe kahanes ka iga meetriga, väga raske võistlus oli. Sain aru, et mulle väga ei sobi ka see ratta pealt jooksu ja ratta peale tagasi sebimine, see rütmimuutus võttis ka mult isu ära, et roni aga kogu aeg rattalt maha. Paar korda panin veel külje maha, kuid jõudsin finishisse. Päeva kolmas ja karikasarja üldkokkuvõttes teine. Ei olnud just see mis lootsin, kuid võin oma kolme karikasarja etapivõiduga hooajal rahul olla, rohkem võite kui kunagi varem karikasarjas. Kokkuvõtte võit läks pigem külmetusviiruse kätte teisel etapil, kui sellel viimasel, kuna hetkel olen juba täitsa väsinud hooajast, mis on ka normaalne.
Last cup event in Avis city is over now, didnt end like I hoped, but this time this way.
I havent raced there before, but the track was good, but rather in dry conditions, with some steep ups and the ground went very slippy with rain and also the rocks that with the mud were real slippy. First part of the track I liked more, was more zig-zagging through forest, second part was more straight roads up and down. Also a lot of negative ground, that went very tricky with the rain.
Saturday got to ride almost dry, with the little rain I got, I understood quick how the track can change. Our start time was 2h more late than usual, and by that time the rain clouds arrived. Straight from the start I felt that it was not my day and my motor did not work as it should, but I tried. Lucia took the chance and went leading, on the second lap I pulled myself together, with the rain our race time was very long, finish time more than 2h! So second lap I got over from the first shock that my motor didnt work so well and decided to try with the will, on one of the descends with rocks and negative ground my back wheel slipped away and I landed on the rocks on my back, I thought ok that is it for me, as the pain was sharp, but the junior who was riding after me encourage me and told me to breath deep and keep going and that helped and I continued riding, but well with that my confidence on bike was damaged and as I did not have legs as well, then the will diminished with every meter, was a very hard race. I understood as well that I dont take well the on and off the bike changing, also this lessened my having fun on the bike part. I managed to hit the ground couple of times more, but arrived to the finish. I was third in the day and second in the overall rankings of the cup. It was not what I was hoping for, but I can be happy with my three victories in the cup series, more than before. The overall ranking slipped away on the second event when I was racing with the virus, rather than on this one, as its end of the season, when its normal not to feel so fresh.
Varem pole seal sõitnud ja rada oli hea, kuid seda pigem kuiva ilmaga, kuna päris palju oli järske nukke ja pinnas vihmaga läks väga libedaks, samuti oli palju kive, mis mudakiht peal olid nagu liuväli. Esimene pool rajast meeldis rohkem, seal oli vinksa-vonksa, teine pool rajast oli rohkem pikalt sirget, üles ja ka alla. Päris palju oli negatiivset kallet, mis vihmaga muutusid huvitavaks. Laupäeval sain treeningul vähe vihma, kuid oli kohe arusaada, milliseks võib rada rohkema vihmaga muutuda, meie stardiaeg oli tavalisest 2h hiljem ja selleks ajast jõudis suurem vihmapilv ilusti kohale.
Kohe stardist sain aru, et ei ole just minu päev ja mootor ei tööta nii kuis peaks, kuid üritasin, Lucia kasutas kohe võimalust ja läks võistlust juhtima, teisel ringil võtsin end kokku, vihmast libedal rajal läks meie sõiduaeg pikale, lõpuaeg üle 2h! Teisel ringil siis sain esimesest ehmatusest, et miks mul minekut ei ole jagu ja proovisin tahtega, ühel laskumisel kus oli negatiivse kaldega kive ka, läks aga taguratas alt ja lendasin selili kivide peale, mõtlesin, et nüüd ongi läbi, kuna valu oli päris karm, kuid ergutust pakkus üks juunior, kes mu taga sõitis, hüüdis, et hinga sügavalt ja läheb, läheb. Läksingi, kuid enam ei olnud ka väga seda kindlust rattal ja kuna jalgu ka ei olnud siis tahe kahanes ka iga meetriga, väga raske võistlus oli. Sain aru, et mulle väga ei sobi ka see ratta pealt jooksu ja ratta peale tagasi sebimine, see rütmimuutus võttis ka mult isu ära, et roni aga kogu aeg rattalt maha. Paar korda panin veel külje maha, kuid jõudsin finishisse. Päeva kolmas ja karikasarja üldkokkuvõttes teine. Ei olnud just see mis lootsin, kuid võin oma kolme karikasarja etapivõiduga hooajal rahul olla, rohkem võite kui kunagi varem karikasarjas. Kokkuvõtte võit läks pigem külmetusviiruse kätte teisel etapil, kui sellel viimasel, kuna hetkel olen juba täitsa väsinud hooajast, mis on ka normaalne.
Last cup event in Avis city is over now, didnt end like I hoped, but this time this way.
I havent raced there before, but the track was good, but rather in dry conditions, with some steep ups and the ground went very slippy with rain and also the rocks that with the mud were real slippy. First part of the track I liked more, was more zig-zagging through forest, second part was more straight roads up and down. Also a lot of negative ground, that went very tricky with the rain.
Saturday got to ride almost dry, with the little rain I got, I understood quick how the track can change. Our start time was 2h more late than usual, and by that time the rain clouds arrived. Straight from the start I felt that it was not my day and my motor did not work as it should, but I tried. Lucia took the chance and went leading, on the second lap I pulled myself together, with the rain our race time was very long, finish time more than 2h! So second lap I got over from the first shock that my motor didnt work so well and decided to try with the will, on one of the descends with rocks and negative ground my back wheel slipped away and I landed on the rocks on my back, I thought ok that is it for me, as the pain was sharp, but the junior who was riding after me encourage me and told me to breath deep and keep going and that helped and I continued riding, but well with that my confidence on bike was damaged and as I did not have legs as well, then the will diminished with every meter, was a very hard race. I understood as well that I dont take well the on and off the bike changing, also this lessened my having fun on the bike part. I managed to hit the ground couple of times more, but arrived to the finish. I was third in the day and second in the overall rankings of the cup. It was not what I was hoping for, but I can be happy with my three victories in the cup series, more than before. The overall ranking slipped away on the second event when I was racing with the virus, rather than on this one, as its end of the season, when its normal not to feel so fresh.
Even this is nice overall result. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteI hope your back is ok.
Thank you, Jiri! :) The nights of sleep have not been so comfortable, but my back is ok, just the scratches and bruises need to heal, thank you! Hope you are having fun on the bike as well! :)
DeleteYes, I do. I'm riding more than last years, although I was quite busy and didn't manage to visit european or world champs. I attended some races too, and week of biking in Austria with friends was great fun.
Great to hear! Bike riding is a great thing :)
Deleteall the best Jiri!