Tiimiga jõudsime Manteigasesse reede õhtul, et laupäeval kohe hommikul rajale minna. Ilm oli vihmane, kuid sellest hoolimata ikka soe, kuigi hek temperatuur seda ei oleks eeldanud, garmin näitaks pidevalt 12 kraadi, kuid kogu varustusega seal mägedes pedaalida oli soe, kui mitte kohati palav.
Kokku neli PECi, esimeseni viis mäe otsa transport, pedaalida oli vaja vaid u 15min. Meile oli soovitus antud kõik tiimisõitjad koos rada läbi teha, kuid kohe alguses oli näha, et see ei ole võimalik, kuna oskuste ja kiiruste vahe oli liiga suur. Seega PEC1 treeningul eriti nautida ei saanud ja kogu aeg oli teiste ootamine, kuid esimese lõpus jätkasin koos kahe kiirema tiimikaaslasega ja sellest hetkest oli tore. Nautisin rattasõitu. Manteigase rajad olid väga lahedad, looduslikud ja täis erinevaid väljakutseid. PEC2 kiirem, PEC3 esimene osa vaid järsku sik-sakki metsas ja lõpus kiirem osa vanaaegsel munakiviteel, ainuke mida ei nautinud oli PEC4, mis oli tehtud linna, jõe kaldal, kus oli palju ohtlikke sildu ja kitsaid kohti, see ei tohikski turvalisuse mõttes PEC olla vaid nende vaheline osa, et publikule pakub siiski silmailu. PEC2 ja PEC3 jõudmiseks üle tunnised tõusud.
Laupäeva õhtul sadas veel päris palju, pühapäeval tuli päeva peale päike välja ja radadest oli kõige rohkem vihmast muutunud PEC3 metsavahelised sik-sakid.
Minu eesmärk oli teha head kiired sõidud esimeses kolmes ja siis neljas oli lihtsalt läbi kruiisimiseks, et mitte vigastada saada.
Väga hea päev rattal, lahedatel radadel, kus vahest ikka oli nii nibin-nabin püstijäämist, kuid see käib asja juurde. Eriti nautisin kiireid sektsioone, kus silmad on vaid ette suunatud, kuid silmanurgast tajud, kuidas meetrid mööda vihisevad, samas ise lootes, et ükski kivi kuskil vales kohas ei oleks.
Naisi oli vaid kolm võistluses, minu minut ees startinud tiimikaaslase püüdsin esimeses kolmes kinni. Portugali meistrist olin ka kiirem ja poodiumi keskmine koht oli minu.
With team we arrived to Manteigas on Friday night, to be on the bikes early in the morning on Saturday. It was rainy, but nevertheless warm, although the temperature didnt show this, my garmin showed mostly 12 degrees, but with all the equipment pedalling in the mountains it was warm, even hot at times.
Altogether 4 PECs, to the first one we got to use transport, just needed to pedal about 15 min. We got suggestion from team that all our riders should ride all the tracks together, but it was obvious from the start that this is not possible as the skill and speed level was so different. So in the PEC1 training I couldnt really enjoy riding, as it included so many stops to wait for the slower ones, after the first I continued with two faster guys and from that moment on I enjoyed the ride. The tracks in Manteigas are great, natural and full of different challenges. PEC2 was more fast, PEC3 had steep zig-zag in the forest at first and then fast old cobble stone tracks. The last PEC4 I didnt like, it was in the city, on river banks, many dangerous bridges and narrow places, for the safety of the riders, it should not be a PEC, it would still be great for the public if its just the track between PECs. Before PEC2 and PEC3 we had over an hour climbs.
On Saturday night it continued raining, on Sunday during day the sun came out, the most changed track from the rain was the forest zig-zags on PEC3.
My goals was to make nice, fast rides on the first three and go cruising on the last one, not to hurt myself.
It was a very nice day on the bike, with great trails, where there was enough almost crashing moments, but that is normal. I enjoyed the most the fast sections, where your eyes are focused ahead, but still from the corner of the eye I sense how fast the meters are flying past, at the same time hoping that no rock is in a wrong place.
We were just three ladies in the race, I caught my teammate, who stated a minute before me, in the three first pecs, and I was faster than the Portuguese champ and could celebrate the middle spot on the podium.
Kokku neli PECi, esimeseni viis mäe otsa transport, pedaalida oli vaja vaid u 15min. Meile oli soovitus antud kõik tiimisõitjad koos rada läbi teha, kuid kohe alguses oli näha, et see ei ole võimalik, kuna oskuste ja kiiruste vahe oli liiga suur. Seega PEC1 treeningul eriti nautida ei saanud ja kogu aeg oli teiste ootamine, kuid esimese lõpus jätkasin koos kahe kiirema tiimikaaslasega ja sellest hetkest oli tore. Nautisin rattasõitu. Manteigase rajad olid väga lahedad, looduslikud ja täis erinevaid väljakutseid. PEC2 kiirem, PEC3 esimene osa vaid järsku sik-sakki metsas ja lõpus kiirem osa vanaaegsel munakiviteel, ainuke mida ei nautinud oli PEC4, mis oli tehtud linna, jõe kaldal, kus oli palju ohtlikke sildu ja kitsaid kohti, see ei tohikski turvalisuse mõttes PEC olla vaid nende vaheline osa, et publikule pakub siiski silmailu. PEC2 ja PEC3 jõudmiseks üle tunnised tõusud.
Laupäeva õhtul sadas veel päris palju, pühapäeval tuli päeva peale päike välja ja radadest oli kõige rohkem vihmast muutunud PEC3 metsavahelised sik-sakid.
Minu eesmärk oli teha head kiired sõidud esimeses kolmes ja siis neljas oli lihtsalt läbi kruiisimiseks, et mitte vigastada saada.
Väga hea päev rattal, lahedatel radadel, kus vahest ikka oli nii nibin-nabin püstijäämist, kuid see käib asja juurde. Eriti nautisin kiireid sektsioone, kus silmad on vaid ette suunatud, kuid silmanurgast tajud, kuidas meetrid mööda vihisevad, samas ise lootes, et ükski kivi kuskil vales kohas ei oleks.
Naisi oli vaid kolm võistluses, minu minut ees startinud tiimikaaslase püüdsin esimeses kolmes kinni. Portugali meistrist olin ka kiirem ja poodiumi keskmine koht oli minu.
With team we arrived to Manteigas on Friday night, to be on the bikes early in the morning on Saturday. It was rainy, but nevertheless warm, although the temperature didnt show this, my garmin showed mostly 12 degrees, but with all the equipment pedalling in the mountains it was warm, even hot at times.
Altogether 4 PECs, to the first one we got to use transport, just needed to pedal about 15 min. We got suggestion from team that all our riders should ride all the tracks together, but it was obvious from the start that this is not possible as the skill and speed level was so different. So in the PEC1 training I couldnt really enjoy riding, as it included so many stops to wait for the slower ones, after the first I continued with two faster guys and from that moment on I enjoyed the ride. The tracks in Manteigas are great, natural and full of different challenges. PEC2 was more fast, PEC3 had steep zig-zag in the forest at first and then fast old cobble stone tracks. The last PEC4 I didnt like, it was in the city, on river banks, many dangerous bridges and narrow places, for the safety of the riders, it should not be a PEC, it would still be great for the public if its just the track between PECs. Before PEC2 and PEC3 we had over an hour climbs.
On Saturday night it continued raining, on Sunday during day the sun came out, the most changed track from the rain was the forest zig-zags on PEC3.
My goals was to make nice, fast rides on the first three and go cruising on the last one, not to hurt myself.
It was a very nice day on the bike, with great trails, where there was enough almost crashing moments, but that is normal. I enjoyed the most the fast sections, where your eyes are focused ahead, but still from the corner of the eye I sense how fast the meters are flying past, at the same time hoping that no rock is in a wrong place.
We were just three ladies in the race, I caught my teammate, who stated a minute before me, in the three first pecs, and I was faster than the Portuguese champ and could celebrate the middle spot on the podium.
How do you train the course of enduro races?
ReplyDeleteWhen I watched your videos from training for EWS race, I was surprised you simply rode down the trail and did not stop anywhere.
Would not it be better to try again difficult sections or where you were not satisfied how you rode it?
I'm just curious.
hi! well mostly i like to just ride down, only try again when its really hard place. because if i stop many times (like waiting for others or trying) then the general idea of the trail is lost. i mean then in the race it seems that much different, that i cannot have the general idea of how hard or how long it will take. this manteigas and leiria, i had a team mate who had rode them on friday as well, so i could take some other lines. it would be ideal to ride them twice, but if i have a just one time, then i prefer to ride without stops and have general idea, rather than know some places better and be lost in the total run:)