Monday, June 15, 2015

Esimesed Euroopa Mängud Baku2015

Taaskord istun Frankfurdi lennujaamas ja kirjutan oma nädalavahetusest.
Rada Bakus oli kiire, kuiv ja ilm palav.
Eelnevatel päevadel proovisin nii palju kui võimalik vältida kuumust, kuigi ega see väga võimalik ei olnud. Sportlaskülast viis meid buss rajale, u. 25 minutit sõitu. Seal alatasa pidi võitlema bussijuhiga, kes tahtis liiga külma konditsioneeri programmiga sõita, väga kerge on nii külmetuda. Samuti sportlasküla söögihall oli vahel päris külm. Väljas jälle palav.
Eriti palav tundus neljapäeval. Õnneks tõusis tuul, mis natukenegi puhus õhu liikuma ja ei tundunud nii lämmatavalt kuum. Võistluspäeval oli samuti tuul. Hommikul isegi pilved, kuid need liikusid kiirelt minema. Stardist sain hästi minema, kuid kahjuks esimesel järsul tõusul jäin karpi ja pidin jooksma hakkama, sinna kadusid head kohad, kus teiste taga tuules esimene kiire stardiring istuda. Jah, rada oli niivõrd kiire ja samuti tuule tõttu oli väga suur vahe, kas sõitsid üksi või mitmekesi. Sõitsin vigu tegemata ja nii palju kui võimalik võitsin natukenegi aega neil vähestel tehnilistel kohtadel. Alati joogipunktis sain juua ja kastmisvett, mida valasin nii krae vahele kui reielihastele. Ring oli ka lühike ja kuna ka kiire, siis napilt ei saanud minna viimasele ringile, kuna jäin 80% reegli taha ja sain protokolli -1ring ja 20.koha.
Eks ma salamisi lootsin paremat kohta, pole see aasta mõõtu võtnud sellise taseme naistega, kuid tunnen, et olen paremas vormis kui varem, eks loodan mõnele järgmisele võistlusele, kus ehk ilm ei ole nii palav ja rada rohkem üles alla ja tehniliselt keerulisem. Samas tean, et andsin endast kõik, sõitsin korralikult ja vigu ei teinud, ka pea oli õiges kohas, seega olen oma sõiduga rahul.
Meie Eesti tiim oli suurepärane, kõik oli hästi korraldatud ja ratturid omasid asjaajajat, mehaanikut ja massööri, pole ammu nii korraliku tiimiga võistlustel olnud. Viis pluss.
Samuti sain sportlaskülas jäävanni peale võistlust ära proovida, järgmine kord tean, et võin kenasti seda ka enne võistlust palavatele päevadel teha, et saaksin lihased kenasti maha jahutatud.

Pühapäeval oli pikalt magamise, pakkimise ja kerge turismipäev koos kreeka-rooma maadlus matside vaatamisega. Kui aus olla, siis see maadlusareena õhkkond võttis kohe suurelt mängude üldisest rahulolust punkte maha. See kuidas aserbaidzaanid armeenlasi välja vilistasid ja ükskõik, kes vastaseks oli, ergutamine nii jõuliselt ja vihaselt, tekitas minus väga vastiku tunde. Need sportlased ei olnud ju midagi rahvale teinud, see ei olnud üldse fair-play või sport poliitikast eemal hoidmine. Samuti ei suutnud ma aru saada maadlus võistlusest, kus mõned matsid tundusid küll olevat rohkem kohtuniku matsid kui sportlaste omad ja mis värk kahe pronksiga on?! Selline reeglistik ei ole aus ju teiste spordialade suhtes, kus ikka kolm saavad medalid, mitte et alati neli!
Oh mis siin ikka, natuke juttu ka piltide juurde.
Ja suur tänu kõigile, kes tegid mul võimalikuks mängudel osaleda, neile, kes kaasa aitasid, ja ka kõigile neile tänud, kes kaasaelasid :)

Rajal oli päris palju siledat
Course had quite a lot of flat

Peet peale finishit
Red after the race

Raja ääres Martinit ergutades
Cheering for Martin

Minu osalemisemedal mängudelt
My participation medal

Baku vanalinn
Baku old town

Nõukogude Liidu ajast märgid
Pins from soviet union time

Mehed orienteerusid hästi
Men found the way nicely

Vana kohtub uuega
Old meets the new

Restling arena

First European Games Baku2015
Once again I am sitting in Frankfurt airport and writing about my weekend.
Course in Baku was fast, dry and weather hot.
The days before I tried as much as I could to avoid too much heat, although it was hard. To the course we went with a bus from the athlete village, about 25 min. There constantly we needed to check with the bus driver that he didnt put too much cold with the airconditioner as it was very easy to get a cold. Also at times the athlete village dining hall was very cold. And out again so hot.
Especially hot it was on Thursday. From that on the wind started to get speed, so it made it little easier and it wasnt still air. Race day was also windy. In the morning even some clouds were in sight, but they flew away. From start I got away good, unluckily I got boxed in the first steep uphill and had to run up, where I lost some spots, to have a good wheel on the very fast start loop. Yes the course was so fast and with the wind too it made a big difference if to ride alone or with someone. I rode without making mistakes and as much as I could gain some time with the few technical spots that were on the course. Always took drink  in the feed zone and spread water to my back and legs to keep me cooler. The course was quite short and as it was fast, then by little I could not go for the last lap, got 80% rule and got -1lap and in the result list.
I hoped to myself for a better place, this year I havent raced against this level girls, but I feel I am better than ever, I hope to realize that in result in some race where the weather is not that hot and course more up down and more tehcnical. As I know I did all I could and made a solid ride without making mistakes and my head was in place too, so I am content with my ride.
Our Estonian team was excellent, everything was very nicely organized, our cycling part had manager, mechanic, masseur, havent had this great team for a long time in a race. Five stars.
I got to try icebath for my legs after the race and it was great, now I know I can make it before race days also to get my legs cooled down.

Sunday was late sleeping, packing and some turist time and also with watching live greek-roman restling matches. If to be honest, then the athmosphare in the restling arena took so many points off from the overall satisfaction with the games. The way Azerbaidjanies boohood the Armenians and cheered so strongly and with so much anger for the opponent to win, gave me really a disgusting feeling. Those athletes have not done nothing for the nation, so it did not feel fair-play and keeping the sport from the politics. Also I could not understand restling, so many matches were made more by the judges than the athletes and whats up with the two bronze medals?! This kind of rule is not fair for the other sports, were 3 get medals, not always four!

Oh well, here are some photos with some stories too.
Thank you everyone who made the participation in the games possible, to everyone who have helped me on the way and to everyone who cheer for me :)


  1. Thank you for posting interesting stories and nice photos from Baku.
    It looks like cycling isn't popular there, I guess most of the spectators are team members.

    1. You are welcome! :)
      Yes, it seemed so, at least mtb was not popular to go and watch, im 99% sure that the spectators were all somehow connected with the racers or the organizers
      and it was not really at a side with anything so no one accidentally did not find out that there was a race :D
