Saturday, September 6, 2014


Rada siin Hafjelli rattapargis oli raske, tõusumeetreid tavapärasest xco rajast isegi rohkem, laskumised oli kiired, üks selline kiviga, mida kõik ikka treeningutel vaatasid, kuid muidu ei midagi väga hullu, samas oli teravaid kive, mis erinevate nurkade alt maast välja end torkasid, juba esimesel päeval team relay sõidu ajal oli näha, et kumme läheb sellel rajal palju.
Stardist sain enam vähem viimasest reast minema, kuid olin motiveeritud tegema head sõitu, esimene tõus, mis suundus metsa alla juurikate peale, oli kohe umbes ja kõik proovisid oma ratastega kuidagi joosta seal summas, ikka kohta parandades, kuid eks seal sigisaginas oli kõige suurem mure, et midagi rattal katki ei läheks.
Peale esimest tippu rajal, oli juba rahulikum ja sai sõita. Jätsin kõik, mis mul jalas oli rajale ja olen liikumisega rahul, esimese tõusu alguse lõik mulle ei istunud väga, kuid teistel tõusudel tundsin end hästi ja ka korralik positsiooni võitlus käis kogu aeg.
Rajalt võeti 80% juures maha enne kahte ringi lõpuni ja protokolli sain kohaks kirja 56.
Aitäh kõigile toetajatele :)

The track here in Hafjell was hard, climb meters perhaps even more than usual, downhill sections were fast, one was with a big rock, which was practiced by many in trainings, but otherwise it was not too technical, but there was a lot of sharp rocks, that peaked out of the ground in different angles, already on the first race day at team relay it proved that there will be a lot of flat tires.
I got to start more or less in the last row, but I was motivated to make a good race, first climb that went into forest with roots, there was all jammed and all tried to run with the bikes and in the mean time improve the place, there the main concern was not to damage the bike.
After the first highest peak on the course it was more calm and we could ride. I left all I got into the course and I was happy with my feelings, I could feel that the first part of the first climb did not suit me, but other climbs were to my legs and the position fight was ongoing all the time.
I got taken out in 80% two laps before the finish and I got 56. place.
Thank you :)

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