Tuesday, June 25, 2013

EM XC 2013 Bern

Hmm, veeretasin natuke seda kirjutamist edasi, kuna ausalt öeldes olen pettunud ja pigem unustaksin, kuid ma proovin ikka midagi teile kirjutada.
Sveitsi jõudsin piisavalt vara, et sain reisiväsimuse kenasti võistlusteks kehast. Reedel oli kavas xce võistlus.
Sain pukil sooja teha ja olin valmis oma osaks. Sain kirja 12nda koha kvalifikatsioonil, meid kokku ei olnudki üldse palju, 15 naist. Stardinimekirjas oli rohkem, aga paar rahvuskoondist ei tulnud üldse kohale, ei teagi, kas midagi juhtus, või mis värk sellega oli.
Peab mainima, et kuigi Sveitsi kellad on maailmakuulsad, siis seal oli aegade näitamisega küll probleem. Pool kvalifikatsiooni jälgimise võlust on näha finishis, kes kus oma ajaga on, aga seal olime kõik täiest teadmatuses.
Et kaheksa esimese hulka mahtuda, tuli mul mahtuda oma sõidu kahe esimese hulka. Raja ulatuses proovisin ma kolm korda saada ettepoole, viimasel korral, kui proovisin oli valida, kas tõesti pressida ja teine tüdruk rajapiirdesse matsu suruda, siis selleks mul nahaalsust ei olnud, hoopis pidurdasin viimases kurvis nulli ja uueks tugevaks kiirenduseks mul enam jõudu ei olnud, tulin üle joone neljandana. Lõppprotokollis kohaks märgitud 14.

Laupäeval tutvusin esimest korda xco rajaga, ma ei tea, kuid tundsin end natuke kõhedalt ehitatud hüpetele minekuks, otsustasin mitte minna ja jätta valiku võistluseks. Rada ise oli selline veerev, paari laheda sinkavonka kiire laskumisega, põlluäärt mööda üles minekutega.
Tundsin end valmis pühapäeval, tegin hea soojenduse pukil ja kõik oli hästi. Stardiringil sain hea koha, kuid siis suurele ringile minnes lihtsalt ei suutnud kaasa minna kogu pundiga, andsin endast kõik ja jäin lihtsalt maha. Väga raske oli vaimselt edasi punnida, seal üksi ei kellegi maal. Tegin ka mitte just kõige ilusama stiiliga hüpped ära :D
Pean ütlema, et rahvas raja ääres oli tore, ergutasid energeetiliselt ka mind, kõla järgi tundsin ära ka tuttavaid, kuid oli ka muidu pealtvaatajaid, eks lugedes numbri pealt nime, ergutasid nimepidi. See vahepeal ikka aitas unustada, et ma seal viimase koha peal punnin.
Kuna vahe tuli liidritega kohe esimesest ringist alates suur, siis enne neljandale minekut võeti mind 80% juures maha. Kohaks protokollis 25.

Võistlusväliselt oli hea näha ja olla oma treeneriga ja samuti mu väga hea sõbranna Diana tuli võistlusnädalavahetuseks ergutama. :)

Esmaspäeva hommikust juba tagasi kodus, siia on saabunud tõeline suvine ilm! :)

Hmm I have not been eager to write this post, as I am disappointed and rather forget, but I try to write something for you all.
I arrived to Switzerland in good time, got to rest from the travel and feel fresh for the races. On Friday there was the xce race. I got to warm up on a roller and I was ready. I got 12th time in qualify, there was only 15 of us. On startlist was more, but some national federations did not come at all, I dont know if something happend or why.
Got to say that although Swiss watches are world famous, then there they had problems with time showing. The half of the thrill of xce race is to see the times in the finish and see who where is with the time, and there we were just lost and didnt know nothing.
To get through to the first eight I needed to be top two at my race. In the whole race I made three attempts to get into the first positions, on the last attempt I really had the choice to push the other girl into the borders, then for this I was not brutal enough and instead needed to brake into zero in the last corner and did not have anymore strength to push more and ended up fourth in my run. In the final result list I am 14th.

On Saturday I was first time on xco track, I dont know but I felt unstable to make the built jumps, so I left this option for race. Course was quite rolling, with some nice zigzag downhills, field side uphills.
I felt ready on Sunday, made good warmup on roller and all was good. On start loop got a good position, but then going to the big lap I just could not keep up, I gave all but I got dropped. It was real hard mentally to keep pushing somewhere in no-mans-land. I made also the jumps with not so smooth style :D
I got to say that the crowd was nice, they cheered energetically also for me, from the voices I recognized some friends, but also many spectators read the number plate and cheered by name. Cheering really helped to forget that I am fighting for the last place.
As the gap with leaders was quite big already after first lap, then I got to make three laps before they called me off at the 80%. My result was number 25.

Besides the racing it was really nice to see my coach and also dear friend Diana came to see my racing weekend. :)

On Monday morning already arrived home, here the real summer has arrived! :)


  1. Thanks for your blog post.
    Don't be disappointed, next race will definitely be better.

    Here are your photos from Bern:
