Monday, May 13, 2024


 Taaskord aasta üks lahedamaid üritusi sai tehtud!

Nagu alati suur pidupäev, pikk päev rattal, kus saab nii palju kauneid vaateid nautida, ennast proovile panna ja kogeda eneseületust.

Päev algas pilves, ehk udune hommik all mäejalamil, Águedas. Enne kui üles jõudsime päikese kätte, oli minul juba palav. Ehk eelmised päevad olid palavad olnud ja minu keha veel eelmistest päevadest kuum. Palju ronimist ja ühel hetkel jäin enne poolt maad janusse, kuigi alati jäin joogipunktides seisma ja täitsin pudeli pilgeni. Siis oli raske, võtsin natuke hoogu maha, aga samas oli järgmise joogipunktini vaid üles mäge ja päike säras selga. Selles kolmandas joogipunktis poolel maal siis kosutasin end hästi. Tõus jätkus. Palju ilusaid, kohe väga ilusaid vaateid, võtsin palju hetki lihtsalt nautida ja olla tänulik, et olen selles hetkes. Loomulikult oli keha juba väsinud ja kergelt oli mingi söök-jook mulle vastu, kuna ei tahtnud väga enam sisse võtta energiat. Palju oli rooma teid, suurte kividega, nii üles kui alla. Peale sadat kilomeetrit hakkas mul vasak käsi tundma andma, valutas ja pidurdamine ei olnud meeldiv koos raputamisega. Kogu sõidu olin ka alalhoidlik, ei riskinud kukkumistega. Nagu ikka oli tegemist gps-seadme järgi sõitmine, siis pidi ka alati valvel olema, et rajalt mööda ei paneks. Mõned korrad oli sellised lühikesed möödasõidud, aga viimasel 25km oli üks päris pikk, vale teerada läks täpselt paralleelselt tükk aega mööda mäe külge, et sain alles hiljem valest pöördest aru, sinna läks energiat ja mõni koht. 

Kuna rada oli sel aastal kohe vägagi raske, siis paljud ei lõpetanud, seega juba finishisse jõudmine oli korralik saavutus. 

Minul kulus selles aasta 153km koos 4270 tõusumeetriga rajal 9h44min , üldarvestuses andis see soolosõitjate seas 42. koha, naistes olin Greete järgi teine, sel aastal oli naisi isegi julgelt palju!

Mul on väga hea meel olla selle ürituse ristiema, alati suur au ja meeldiv päev pingutusest ja valust hoolimata!

Aitäh sulle lugeja!

Once again, one of the coolest events of the year is done!

As always, a big day of celebration, a long day on the bike, where you can enjoy so many beautiful views, challenge yourself and experience self-surpassing.

The day started in a cloudy, foggy morning down at the foot of the mountain, in Águeda. Before we got up to the sun, I was already hot. The previous days had been hot and my body was still warmed up from the previous days. A lot of climbing and at one point before halfway I got thirsty, although I always stopped at drink stations and filled my bottle to the brim. Then it was difficult, I slowed down a bit, but at the same time it was only uphill to the next drinking point and the sun was shining on my back. At this third drinking point halfway on the course, I refreshed myself well. The uphill continued. Lots of beautiful, like very beautiful views, I took many moments to just enjoy and be grateful to be in this moment. Of course, my body was already tired and I was slightly against some food and drink, why I didn't really know, but I couldnt take in any more energy. There were many Roman roads, with large stones, both up and down. After a hundred kilometers, my left hand started to hurt, and braking was not pleasant with so much shaking. During the whole ride I was also conservative, I didn't risk falling. As always, it was self-guidance with the GPS device, so you had to always be on the lookout so as not to miss the track. A few times there were such short misses, but in the last 25km there was a really long one, the wrong road went exactly parallel along the side of the mountain for a long time, so I only realized the wrong turn later, it took energy and lost some places.

Since the course was very difficult this year, many did not finish, so just reaching the finish line was a decent achievement.

This year it took me 9h44min to cover 153km with 4270 meters of ascent on the track, overall it gave me 42nd place among solo riders, among women I was second after Greete, there were considerable amount of women this year!

I am very proud to be the godmother of the event, such a wonderful day out on the bike despite the effort and pain.

Thank you reader!

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