Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Treeneri teekond ja video

 Tehtud sai esmaspäeval üldainete eksam Nooremtreeneri tasemele ja koos UCI-s omandatud samale tasemele vastav jalgrattaspordi poolne osa, olen ametlikult Nooremtreeneri kutsega. 

Nagu kooliajalgi, ikka närv oli sees enne eksamit ja korratud sai enne palju, see tasus ära pea perfektse tulemusega, üks vastus oli vale, aga minule jäi pidem küsimus segaseks, kui et vastus. 

Enne päikeseloojangut sai paar kiiremat laskumist kohaliku mäe peal tehtud, olen oma Lapierre Spicy´ga heaks sõbraks juba saanud ja tuli ka Strava andmete kiireim aeg, sellel laskumisel.

Video SIIN

Above is a link to a downhill section on local hill. Went to make some fast rides before the sunset. I am feeling good on my Lapierre Spicy.

On Monday morning I had finalized the coach level 2, I had the cycling speciality from UCI course and did the general subjects exam. As in school the tension was there and I studied well, and the result was near perfect, just one answer was off, although for me the question was confusing. 

So yes officially independent young coach.

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