Saturday, August 29, 2020

Enduro World Series E-bike - Zermatt

 Teisipäev sai natuke niisama ringi sõita, hommikupoolik läks meie telgi ja asjade seadmisele, rataste lahtipakkimise ja muidu sisse seadmiseks. Kolmapäeval oli ametlikele tiimidele “shake down” üritus. Kohe alguses sain aru, et siin juba nalja ei ole, rajad karmid ja tehnilised kui mitte öelda kergelt hirmutavad, kuna kogu aeg mäenõlval, nii mõneski kohas kuristik kohe kõrval. Ka oli palju palju kive, paljud korralikult teravaks lihvitud, mul olid all tutikad rehvid, ühest sain kohe jagu, korralik lõhe ühest kivist. Seega minu šeikimine piirdus ühe 1km lõiguga. 

Neljapäeval treeningud, igaks lõiguks olid määratud ajad, et polnud nii et ise teadsid, millal lähed. Palju raputamist, palju kive, korralikult ka tehnilisi osi. Organiseeritud oli nii, et oli kolm ringi, mille lõpus me tiimi aladesse jälle jõudsime , igal ringil 2 lõiku, mis arvesse läksid. Treeningute lõpuks olin korralikult väsinud , kiirelt ratas pestud ja sööma ja puhkama. 

Hommikul vara juba tiimi alasse, et alustada pika päevaga, minu start 8:21 ja lõpp 15:14. 

Teadsin, et esimene osa kuni jõuda esimese lõiguni läheb kiireks, et peab korralikult pedaalima ja sees oli ka parajalt tehnilist hästi järsku tõusu, kus alati ei saanud rattal üles, ehk aega võis parajalt kaotada. Ja iga minuti, mis hiljaks jääd, trahvitakse ekstra sekunditega. Kui rohkem kui 6min jääd, siis juba rohkemaga. 

Hakkasin siis starti järjekorda end sättima 10min enne ja opaa displei hakkas tööle aga mootoriga ei ühendanud , paanika, mis nüüd ! Kohe mehaaniku juurde, kruvis , proovis, igatahes jäin hiljaks natuke aga vähemalt sain mootori tööle kuna muidu oleks üldse pooleli jäänud kohe alguses. Pedaalisin mis ma suutsin , jõudsin naisele , kes peale mind stardis, järgi kuid just tehnilisel lõigul, ta pani jala maha ja nii me seal lükkasime järsakust üles 25kg ratast , ise kogu aeg aega vaadates, nii kui uuesti sõitma sain, tuli takus. Kuni kontrollpunktini, mis lõigu stardi juures, nii nüüd oli natuke aega ja nii ta hakkas. Endal adrenaliin ja stress kehas puperdamas. 

Lõik 1 - suuremaid apsakaid ei teinud aga tundsin et olen rohkem rahmeldamas kui sujuvalt sõitmas .

Kiire ja lühike lõikude vaheline osa.

Lõik 2 - palju kivist ja tehnilist, seal juba olin peaaegu korraliku sillalt mööda sõidu teinud, aga õnneks sain jala välja võtmise ja seiskumisega hakkama. 

Siis veel mööda asfalti tagasi tiimi alasse. Seal sain lõpuks rahunetud ja natuke midagi hamba alla. Ka patarei vahetus ja oligi juba aeg uuesti minna. 

Sel korral natuke mäest üles rongiga , siis veel pikalt sinka-vonka üles, esimene osa ei mitte kohe kerge. 

Lõik 3- palju kivi, alguses päris palju ka sellist lahtist plaaditatud kiviteed. Sellel lõigul ehk kartsin kõige rohkem rehvi lõhkuda , eks ma natuke läksin kergemalt. 

Läbi ja kohe jälle üles väntama , ees ootas üks tehnilist ehk raskemaid lõike. 

Üleval mäe otsas ( võistluse kõrgemais punktis u. 2700m) kergelt tibas vihma. Tuuleiilid tugevad.

Lõik 4 - alguses oli tükk tegu et tuul ära ei puhuks, mõned kallaku äärsed teed tõsiselt kõhedust tekitavad, vaatan küll vaid rada aga ikka tajud et kukkumine oleks karm kui rajalt 20cm valesti sõidad. Kõik järskud kivised tagasipöörded ei läinud kõige paremini, teeeningul läksid paremini. Aga õnneks jäin püsti . Lõpuks ikka täitsa läbi, sellist vatti saab keha sellistest laskumistest alla sõites . 

Uuesti tiimi alasse , kehakinnitus , patarei vahetus ja kerge 10min puhkus.

Ja uuele ringile, ees ootas tõusulõik! 

Lõik 5 - raske tehniline ja hästi järsk , ei olnud seal kerge ei naistel ega meestel. Ma kahjuks ei saanud kogu tõusu rattal sõidetud ja sinna läksid väärtuslikud sekundid, tahtmine oli seda lõiku võita , võimalus oli kõige suurem, aga jah eilsel teeeningul ei olnud need metalltorud, mis metsa rajasse pandud, nii välja sõidetud ja võttis ratta libisema, ja pidin u 5m ratast mäkke vedama, kuna niivõrd järsk et ei olnud võimalik seal kohe rattale minna. 

Viimane väntamine viimasesse lõiku. Vihma hakkas korralikult sabistama .

Lõik 6 - kattus neljanda lõigu teise poolega ja jätkus teise lõiguga. Raske ja tehniline, ega ülakeha ei tahtnud enam väga ohjata seda rasket ratast, samuti tegid osaliselt märjad kivid ja juurikad asja veelgi keerulisemaks. 

Aga läbi ta sai ja tervelt finishis. 

Kohaks 5! Kahes viimases lõigus olin ka neljanda koha peale sõitnud . Sain ka 5 sekundit lisa oma ajale, kuna esimesse lõiku jäin ikkagi natuke hiljaks.

Peale võistlus hakkas veel ikka korralikult sadama ja jätkub ka praegu. 

Selleks on meie kolme nädalavahetuse võistluste reis ühel pool ja esmaspäeval on kojusõit! 

Aitäh kaasaelajatele ! 

(Piltidel punase särgiga voistluspildid, teised treeningu omad) 

Pilves pilt tehtud laupäeval, kus sõitsin rongiga Gornergrat’i 3089m ja sealt jala tagasi Zermatti, ilm oli kehv kuid emotsioon kogemusest hea.

Tuesday morning went by with setting up the tent and staff and building bikes, afternoon a little easy exploring ride alone. 

On Wednesday official teams were invited to “shake down” event. Right from the start I understood no kidding around, tracks are tough and technical , a bit scary also to ride some places mountain cliff right besides. And lots of rocks , some so sharp, I had on brand new tires and one I managed to slice away. So my shaking ended with just one kilometer riding.

Thursday training day, for every stage was appointed hours, so no free schedule. So much vibration, so many rocks and handful of technical stuff.

It’s was set up as 3 loops, every loop had 2 stages and end of loop we were in team area.

For the end of training I was quite beaten up, so fast wash the bike and to eat and rest.

Friday early morning to team area to start the long day, my hours were ride out 8:21 and ride in 15:14.

I knew from training that the first liaison will be tight, that I need to pedal fast and it had some technical uphills were it was easy to loose time by taking the foot out. And there are penalties when being late.

So I started to go for the start line some 10min before my time and “Whatttt?!” my display button didn’t start the engine, panic set in, what now! 

Right to our mechanic , he took out the handlebar and we manage to locate the problem , but I was late. So I got my chips and went on pedal long as I could, I caught up with the lady who started behind me on the technical hill and she took foot out, I had to as well , so there we were pushing up a steep hill a bike of 25kg. I was always checking the time and after when managed to get back pedaling did as fast as possible . After the check point I had few moments to calm a bit and then it started. I had adrenaline and stress in the body. 

Stage 1 - I didn’t do any major mistakes but I felt myself more stressed than I wanted.

Short and fast liaison and already at the next one. 

Stage 2 - lots of rocks and technical stuff , I almost rode off a bridge , but luckily got the foot out and stopped before it happend.

Then paved way to the team area. Finally I could calm down and eat something. Also battery change and then it was already time to go again. 

Then we got a little lift with the train and the pedaled zigzag roads up, first part not easy at all. 

Stage 3 - lots of rocks, beginning also like loose big plates of rocks laid. On this one mostly I was afraid to have a flat tire, so many sharp stones, so I was a bit cautious.

Finished and then again pedal up, the hardest stage awaited.

Up on the top (the race’s highest point at some 2700m) it started to rain a bit and heavy wind blows.

Stage 4 - at the beginning it was to fight off the wind to not blow me over the cliff, there were some pretty dangerous turns with cliff right there, I’m looking for the track but you can still sense the open space right next, just some centimeters and it’s bad. Not all right switch backs went well, training had been better. But I managed to stay upright. I was quite beaten up , it’s hard to handle this heavy beast. 

Back at team area, something to eat, battery change and some 10min rest. 

And back to racing, the uphill

stage awaited! 

Stage 5 - hard technical and steep hill, not easy for women nor men.

Unfortunately I could get up

all on the bike and valued seconds went by. I would have wanted to win this stage as it was my best chance to do it. But well the metal hoses that are plated to the terrain, on training they weren’t so much dug up, and I slipped and had to push bike some 5m to get to a bit less steep part to mount it again. 

Last pedal to the last stage. The rain really started to fall.

Stage 6 - it was last part of the 4th and then continued with the 2nd stage course.

Hard and technical , my upper body had difficulty to get the bike where I wanted and also the rocks and roots were more slippy with the rain.

But over it was and in one piece in the finish. 

5th place! Last two stages managed to get also 4th place. 

I did get penalty seconds for the first liaison.

We won in the team classification! 

After race it really started to rain heavy and it continues.

So it ends our three weekends of racing and on Monday traveling home.

Thanks for cheering ! 

(red jersey is race photos and others training )

1 comment:

  1. I live in Madagascar ( East Africa),and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as I have been going through a problem as seriously as my son found a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and I could not pay the bills, then your surgery went to the bank to borrow and reject me saying that I have no credit card, from there i run to my father and he was not able to help, then when I was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a loan lender Mr, Benjamin Breil Lee, offering loans at affordable interest rate I had no choice but to give it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, I got a loan of $ 110,000.00 to paid for my son surgery then get myself a comfortable business to help me going as well. I thank God today is good and you can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to myself that I will mourn aloud in the world of the wonders of God to me through this God fearing lender Mr Benjamin Breil Lee and I would advise anyone in genuine and serious need of loan to contact this God-fearing man on ...... through .. and I want you all to pray for this man for me or Chat with him on whatsapp +1-989-394-3740 as well.
    Thank you
