Sunday, March 15, 2020


Kallid blogikülastajad, nagu igal pool on hetkel suur segadus ja küsimusi rohkem kui vastuseid.
Kui meil treeninglaager enne Monacot toimus, olid meil külas meie sponsor Extreme Racing Shox, et meie tagaamordid saaksid meie järgi seadistatud, siis oli suur koroonaviiruse puhang Itaalias alanud, nemad olid Itaalist, suht samast kandist. Eks me kõik hoidsime distantsi, aga siiski olid nad seal (etterutates ütlen, et nemad ise on terved hetkel). Monacosse reisil olin ka ettevaatlik, me kõik olime, kuid siiski iial ei tea ju, kus viirus võib pesitseda. Peale reisi esmaspäeval saabus auto mööda maad, meie sõitjad käisime lennuga, käisin Mirandas, oli vaja ka ühte allkirja paberile, mille sain meie turundusjuhilt. Neljapäeva hommikul tuli uudis, et turundusjuht on koroonaga haiglas (esimene juhtum Aguedas), mis tähendas meie osadele alates tiimipresentatsioonist, osadele nagu minule 9.märtsist hoida inimestest eemale. Enne seda kolmapäeval oli juba siinne alaliit teatanud, et kuni 3.aprillini vähemalt jäävad kõik võistlused ära. Neljapäeva pärastlõunal mõtlesin kergele rattatiirule minna. Aga mu kass, kes oli juba päris stressis kogu mu reisimisest ja neljapäeva hommikune koristus, mis alarmeerib teda kui minu järjekordset reisi, hammustas mind ootamatult kätte, kuna oli ootamatult, siis sai korralikult kinni ja väga sügavale kihvad, nähes nii palju verd ühest kassihammustusest sattusin kergelt paanikasse, kergelt oli vastu haiglasse minek (et saab sealt veel midagi lisaks külge), samas käsi oli tavalisest kriimustusest kaugel ja vajasin, et keegi teadja üle vaatab, läksin Filipe soovitusel erakliinikumi. Olen hetkel siis antibiootikumide peal ja käin haava puhastamas kllinikumis, eile ei olnud vaatepilt ilus ja mäda sai korralikult välja pressitud, mis oli ka hiiglama valus. Ehk praegu on mul ka rattasõidul kriips peal, kuna parema käega lenksu väga kinni ei hoia, liiga paistes ja valus.
Köha, palavikku, ega hingamisraskusi mul ei ole tulnud. Aga kuni 23. märtsini oleme vaatluse all, siinsed terviseametnikud helistavad meile kõigile sportlastele ja hoiavad end meie terviseseisundil silma (või siiski kõrva) peal.
Mis hooajast saab seda ei tea, mis tavalisest elust saab seda ka ei tea, ehk kõik on suur küsimärk.
Hoidke ennast!

Dear blog readers, like everywhere else its a mess and there are more questions than answers.
When we were at training camp before Monaco, we had our sponsor Extreme Racing Shox visiting, to have our shoxs all defined personally. They were from Italy, there the corona spread had started, and they were from quite close the boom area. We hold our distance, but still never know (at the moment they are well and not gotten sick). On the trip to Monaco I tried to be very cautious, we all tried, but still you never know from where the virus spreads. After the trip on Monday the car with out bikes arrived to Miranda, and i went, also I needed one signature and our marketing guy signed it. Thursday morning we got the news that our marketing guy is in hospital with corona, so that meant for some of us from team presentation and for some of us like me from 9. March staying away from other people. Before that on Wednesday the Portuguese federation had announced that at least until 3. April all races are postponed. On Thursday afternoon I wanted to go for a easy spin alone. But my cat, who had been so stressed out with me going away from home so much and my cleaning in the morning was another alarm that I will go for a longer time, suddenly bite me in my hand, as it was unexpected for me then the cat got a good hold and bite was very strong and deep. As it was so much blood for just a bite from a cat, I panicked , I didnt really want to go to hospital (in the scare of getting something else from there), but I needed someone who knows to look at the situation, on Filipe´s advice I went to private clinic. So at the moment I am taking antibiotics and get my wound cleaned there, yesterday it was not nice, lots of yellow stuff to get out, it was horribly painful as well. So at the moment I have to sit out from biking as well, as my right had is all swollen and painful.
I havent developed fever, cough nor difficulty breathing. But until 23 of March I am being monitored, the health care people call to all our athletes to get updates and check how we are doing.
What will come out of the season or how the life will get back to normal I dont know, all is a good question mark.
Take care!  

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