Monday, March 11, 2019

Portugal Cup XCO #1 - Vila Franca UCI C1

Portugali XCO sari sai ka alguse.
Laupäeval rada vaatamas, mõtlesin, et teen väikse video ka rajast, panin kaamera ka kiivri külge, aga tuli välja, et olin unustanud akut laadida, seega ei tulnud sellest midagi välja. 
Rada oli porine, pole varem seal nii mudasel rajal sõitnud, üldpildis oli samas mis aastate eest, natuke oli ronimist juures ja sektsioon laskumist uus. Ehk linnast välja, kiire, siis metsas, nii üles kui alla palju kivi, mis mudaga natuke keerukamaks osutus, kui muidu oleks. Tundsin kohe, et ronimist on rohkem kui eelnevatel võistlustel Hispaanias. 
Aga samas pean mainima, et kunagi pole ma tundnud, et sealsed tõusud ei ole üleliia pikad, mäletan et palju raskemad olid, aga eks ratas ja vorm on paremad, seega ka tõusud kergemad.
Laupäeva õhtul sain teada, et meil on 4 ringi, mis kohe tundus kahtlaselt vähe, kuna olin trennis teise ringi 20 minutiga sõitnud.
Pühapäeva hommikul tavaline rutiin enne võistlust ja siis juba joonel. Stardist sain kehvasti minema, jala sain pedaalile, aga vot klippi ei saanud ja nii esimesed meetrid seal poole jalaga sõidetud said. Kui hakkas tõusma, sain positsiooni parandatud ja sprintides ka suutsin singlile esimesena sõita. Kui natuke laiemaks läks, sprintis Raquel mööda ja sel hetkel vastu midagi panna ei olnud. Hakkas ka kergelt eest libisema, raskelt tuli esimene ring, hiljem nägin ka et pulss ei reageerinud nii nagu oleks pidanud. Tegin ka üles minnes sõidu apsakaid ja kaotasin natuke ka sellega aega. Esimese ringi lõpus oli esimene eest läinud ja mina olin koos järgmise kolme naisega. 
Õnneks teisel ringil sain oma hoo sisse ja sain juba paremini hakkama, kolmas, neljas veel parem tunne. Kuigi ma esimest naist ei näinud, ei olnud ta mitte sugugi mägede taga, mis lõpujoonel tekitas tunde, et ei tea iial mis veel ühel ringil oleks võinud juhtuda, sest kohtunikud oma 4 ringiga tegid vale kalkulatsiooni (eeldasid et naised on aeglasemad), 5 ringi oleks andnud selle vahemiku, mis tegelikult reeglites kirjas, ehk 1h20-1h40 võitja aeg. 
Seega lõpetasin võitluse hammas verel, ehk ootan juba huviga järgmist võistlust, et taaskord lahingus olla.
Suur tänu kõigile toetajatele ja kaasaelajatele, hea meel on teiega häid emotsioone jagada ka sel korral! 
Kuigi videot ei ole, siis sellest võistlusest on palju ilusaid pilte! 

Portugal cup in XCO has started.
On Saturday checking the course, I wanted to make also a video from the track and had the camera with me on the helmet, but then I found out that I had forgotten to charge it and well no video for you.
The track was muddy, I haven’t ridden there with so muddy conditions, it was more or less the same as years ago, a bit more or climbing and new section going down as well. So fast in the town and then enters forest and lots of big stones going up and going down, and with the mud all turned a bit more tricky. I felt right away that much more climbing than previous weekends in Spain.
I have to mention that even though lots of climbing, then it didn’t feel so long as I remembered from the years, so I put it on better bike and better form, so the climbs felt easier.
Saturday night I found out that we have 4 laps to do, which seemed too little, as in training I had done the second lap with 20 minutes.
Sunday the normal routine before competition and then already on the start line. I got away poorly, my foot was on the pedal, but I could get it clipped in, so the first meters were all with just half the leg power. When it started to climb more, I managed to better my position and just before entering single track I sprinted and got the first position. When it went a bit wider, Raquel sprinted and I didn’t have it in me to respond. She started to get a bit of a gap as well with the climb, I had a hard first lap, I felt blocked, also I saw from my heartrate later that it didn’t react as it should in the first lap. Additionally I did some mistakes going up and lost a bit of extra time. Finishing the first lap, the first woman was out of site and I was with the next 3.
Luckily I started to feel much better on the second lap, then third even better and fourth also good competition feelings. Although I didn’t have visual with the first woman, but she wasn’t too far ahead, at finish line this made me feel like we never know what could have happened if we had the 5th lap. As it should have been, the commissaries made a mistake calculating the time (they expected for us to be much slower), and 5 laps would have given the time that is marked in the rules for the winner 1h20-1h40.
So I ended my race with the taste of the “blood” for more, so I am eager to have the next race to battle hard again.
My biggest thanks to all my supporters and cheerers, it is once again good to share positive emotions with you!
Although I could make the video, then there are lots of nice photos of the race!

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