Kuna Avalanche-ga juhtus nii nagu eelmine aasta, kõrge tulekahjuohu tõttu nihutati võistlus novembrisse, seda muidugi vägagi viimasel hetkel, neljapäeval kui reedel olid juba plaanis treeningud. Aga no, siis ma võtsin plaani hoopis ühe siinse kandi maratoni, kuhu Filipe oli nii või naa minemas.
Võistlus Condeixa-a-Novas Combra külje all, kuigi nii lähedal, siis maastik, eriti pinnas hoopis teistsugune, valge pinnas ja palju madalaid mände, ja kivine pinnas, samas kivi hoopis teistsugune kui siin. Registreerisin end väga viimasel minutil, seega sain stardikoha ka kuskil taga, kuid tänavate vahel, panin mööda kõnniteid ja teised naised eespoolt olid enne metsa jõudmist juba seljataga.
Palju oli ka lahedat singlit, samas ka palju kruusateid. Väike insident oli ka alguse poole, kus üks vend nägi patsi ja mõtles, et peab minust mäe otsas enne laskumist mööda saama, mitte kiirusega vaid hüüdes vasakule, vasakule. No mina tahtsin laskumist nautida ja kutti ette ei lasknud, see puksis siis oma lenkuga minu lenksu ja keha vahele, no päästsin mõlemad ja jäime püsti ja siis ei suutnud ta ratast valitseda ja kaldus uuesti mulle kaela, ja siis veel kord, küll tal oli alles õnne, et ma suutsin tema ja enda püsti hoida. Ja siis hiljem (mingi 20 km pärast) jõuab mulle järele ja hakkab inglise keeles rääkima, et pean paar sõna ikka portugali keeles ära õppima, no tõsiselt vennike, vastasin talle sulaselges portugali keeles, et ma ei lase mingit vennikest laskumisel enda ette koperdama, sorri. Ta proovis, veel rääkida, et oh näe ma ei oska sõita, on alles vennikesi, ma päästsin ta suurest matsust ja ainuüksi sellepärast et mul pats pikem kui meestel, ei tohiks arvata, et minust peab tingimata enne laskumist mööda saama. Tõusudel on teema, siis ma olen lahkem meeste suhtes.
Üks lahe aspekt ka võislusel, et läbib Condeixa-a-Velha varemeid Rooma ajastust. Seal olen turistina käinud ja leidsin, et päris lahe et nad lasevad võistlsel sealt läbi sõita, need kes aja peale ei sõida, saavad ka ringi vaadata. Muidugi mitte rajalt välja minnes.
Aga täitsa lahe oli, et kuigi Avalanche jäi ära, siis sai toreda pühapäeva veedetud ja kolm veini ja ühe suure kohaliku maiustuse võitsin ka. Hiljem jõudsime veel Montemor-o-Velho loss/kindluses käidud, mis väga kenasti hoitud, soovitan külastada.
Although it happened again with Avalanche, postponed to November because of high forestfire risk, and they did it very last minute, Thursday, when Friday was meant to be the first training day. But well, then I went for another race near by, to where Filipe had already planned to go.
Race in Condeixa-a-Nova near Coimbra, so close but yet so different terrain, lower mountains with low pine trees, with white ground, and lots of rocks but rocks also different texture then here. As I registered so last minute, I got a number way back, but in the city streets, I rode on the paths and before arriving to the woods, I already had all the women behind me.
There was lots of fun single tracks but also lots of wide white gravel roads. And also had one incident in the first forest sections, one guy behind me as we started to enter a downhill section yelled left, left, well I wanted to enjoy the downhill part and didnt get out of the way, but stayed on my track, then he got his handlebar between my handlebar and legs, I saved him and me from a big tumble, but then he could get control over his bike and leaned again on me, saved it again and then again, wow he had so much luck that I managed to keep him and me upwards. And then later (some 20km) he arrives at my side and starts talking in English that I need to learn some Portuguese words, oh poor guy, I answered in Portuguese, that there is no way I give way to have my downhill fun ruined, sorry. Then he tried to talk that I dont know how to ride a bike, like really I just had saved him from big pain, but well there are guys who think that if I have longer hair they need to pass me before downhills. On the climbs I am more polite to guys.
One fun aspect of the race is also that it passes Condeixa-a-Velha Roman ruins. I have visited it as tourist, so I thought its fun they let the race pass there, so the people who dont ride for time can have quite a good look at the ruins, without getting out of the race course.
So it was fun the weekend, although no Avalanche, then good race and won three wines and a big local sweet. And later visited Montemor-o-Velho castle which is treated very nice and I recommend to visit it.
Tulemused pole veel üleval / Results are not up yet
Võistlus Condeixa-a-Novas Combra külje all, kuigi nii lähedal, siis maastik, eriti pinnas hoopis teistsugune, valge pinnas ja palju madalaid mände, ja kivine pinnas, samas kivi hoopis teistsugune kui siin. Registreerisin end väga viimasel minutil, seega sain stardikoha ka kuskil taga, kuid tänavate vahel, panin mööda kõnniteid ja teised naised eespoolt olid enne metsa jõudmist juba seljataga.
Palju oli ka lahedat singlit, samas ka palju kruusateid. Väike insident oli ka alguse poole, kus üks vend nägi patsi ja mõtles, et peab minust mäe otsas enne laskumist mööda saama, mitte kiirusega vaid hüüdes vasakule, vasakule. No mina tahtsin laskumist nautida ja kutti ette ei lasknud, see puksis siis oma lenkuga minu lenksu ja keha vahele, no päästsin mõlemad ja jäime püsti ja siis ei suutnud ta ratast valitseda ja kaldus uuesti mulle kaela, ja siis veel kord, küll tal oli alles õnne, et ma suutsin tema ja enda püsti hoida. Ja siis hiljem (mingi 20 km pärast) jõuab mulle järele ja hakkab inglise keeles rääkima, et pean paar sõna ikka portugali keeles ära õppima, no tõsiselt vennike, vastasin talle sulaselges portugali keeles, et ma ei lase mingit vennikest laskumisel enda ette koperdama, sorri. Ta proovis, veel rääkida, et oh näe ma ei oska sõita, on alles vennikesi, ma päästsin ta suurest matsust ja ainuüksi sellepärast et mul pats pikem kui meestel, ei tohiks arvata, et minust peab tingimata enne laskumist mööda saama. Tõusudel on teema, siis ma olen lahkem meeste suhtes.
Üks lahe aspekt ka võislusel, et läbib Condeixa-a-Velha varemeid Rooma ajastust. Seal olen turistina käinud ja leidsin, et päris lahe et nad lasevad võistlsel sealt läbi sõita, need kes aja peale ei sõida, saavad ka ringi vaadata. Muidugi mitte rajalt välja minnes.
Aga täitsa lahe oli, et kuigi Avalanche jäi ära, siis sai toreda pühapäeva veedetud ja kolm veini ja ühe suure kohaliku maiustuse võitsin ka. Hiljem jõudsime veel Montemor-o-Velho loss/kindluses käidud, mis väga kenasti hoitud, soovitan külastada.
Although it happened again with Avalanche, postponed to November because of high forestfire risk, and they did it very last minute, Thursday, when Friday was meant to be the first training day. But well, then I went for another race near by, to where Filipe had already planned to go.
Race in Condeixa-a-Nova near Coimbra, so close but yet so different terrain, lower mountains with low pine trees, with white ground, and lots of rocks but rocks also different texture then here. As I registered so last minute, I got a number way back, but in the city streets, I rode on the paths and before arriving to the woods, I already had all the women behind me.
There was lots of fun single tracks but also lots of wide white gravel roads. And also had one incident in the first forest sections, one guy behind me as we started to enter a downhill section yelled left, left, well I wanted to enjoy the downhill part and didnt get out of the way, but stayed on my track, then he got his handlebar between my handlebar and legs, I saved him and me from a big tumble, but then he could get control over his bike and leaned again on me, saved it again and then again, wow he had so much luck that I managed to keep him and me upwards. And then later (some 20km) he arrives at my side and starts talking in English that I need to learn some Portuguese words, oh poor guy, I answered in Portuguese, that there is no way I give way to have my downhill fun ruined, sorry. Then he tried to talk that I dont know how to ride a bike, like really I just had saved him from big pain, but well there are guys who think that if I have longer hair they need to pass me before downhills. On the climbs I am more polite to guys.
One fun aspect of the race is also that it passes Condeixa-a-Velha Roman ruins. I have visited it as tourist, so I thought its fun they let the race pass there, so the people who dont ride for time can have quite a good look at the ruins, without getting out of the race course.
So it was fun the weekend, although no Avalanche, then good race and won three wines and a big local sweet. And later visited Montemor-o-Velho castle which is treated very nice and I recommend to visit it.
Tulemused pole veel üleval / Results are not up yet
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