Parem hilja kui mitte kunagi. Arvasin, et ehk kui kohe ei kirjuta, siis oskan midagi paremat kirjutada, aga tundub, et lihtsalt kirjutan vähem.
Käisin Kreekas, nägin kuidas nad seal maastikurattaasju ajavad ja isu vähemalt 10 aastaks ära, et sinna tagasi minna.
Jõudsin neljapäeval, leidsin kaks stardipaika üles, kolmanda koha leidsin ka, aga seal ei tundunud midagi toimuvat, kuna teistes oli vähemalt lindid. Miitingul saingi teada, et nad vahetasid esimese etapi hoopis sama, mis neil eelmine nädal oli, ja just selline info oligi, et sama mis eelmine nädal, mulle ütles see muidugi väga palju, ja paik oli 15km kaugemal, aga egas nad siis transporti pakkunud, et näe et me muutsime, vaid see tähendas mulle ekstra 2 tundi väntamist esimesel päeval, finish oli mäe otsas ja sealt tuli veel lisaks.
Ja märgistamine oli nii nagu oli, ehk et alla arvestuse. Lindistajatel ise vist polnud aimu ka, mis tähendab rajal ratturina sõita, et kuidas peaks linte panema.
Radadega ei olnud ka keegi mingit pingutust teinud, üleüldse oli selline tunne, et tahetigi pigem jätta selline tunne välissõitjatele, et ise tulid, ega meie sind siia ei tahtnud.
Mis reisi vähegi meeldivaks tegi oli sõitjad, hotellis sain tuba jagada Tsiili tüdrukuga ja Slovakkiast ja Serbiast tulijaid olid ka toredad, ehk et vähemalt ei olnud nii üksik ja kurb, ilma sõidunautimiseta.
Võistlustest, kuigi ma tahtsin sellist head konkurentsi, siis ütlen ausalt, et mu vaim oli väsinud, eelmise nädalani kruvitud enduro karikasarja pinged, olid oma jälje jätnud. Andsin endast parima ja kehvasti ei sõitnud, samas oleks tahtnud natukene vähem kaotada ajaliselt.
Sain siiski esikümnesse lõpparvestuses!
Ah ja hotell oli põlengu varemete vahel, esimestel päevadel oli mul selline kahjutunne, et näe kui kehvasti siin nüüd läks, et meri nii lähedal aga sajad ja sajad majapidamised mahapõlenud, viimastel päevadel aga asenud kurbuse tunne hoopis vastikuseks kreeklaste vastu, sest oli näha, et väga vähene osa neist tegeles tagajärgedega, et saan aru, et pole ehk raha, et kohe korda teha, aga koristada on kõigil käed otsas, aga egas seal ka nendes piirkondades kus tuld ei olnud, kõik väga korrapäratu ja must.
Esmaspäeval sõitsin üksi Garmini abiga sealsetes mägedes, ehk tegelikult neil olemas loodus, et olla tore maastikurattasõidupaik, aga inimesi pole, kes viitsiksid tegeleda.
Selline siis seekordne võistlusemotsioon, aitäh ja kirjutamiseni!
Better later than never. I thought that maybe if I write later I have something better to say, but I just say fewer.
I was in Greece and I saw how they run mountain bike things and at least for 10 years I am not going back there.
I arrived Thursday and found two venue places, the third by map I also found, but it didnt look like there was going to be something, other places had some tapes. At the meeting it was said oh we changed the place for the first stage, now its the same place as last week, at that was literally all the information that they gave, for me it was very few. And place was like 15km further, and they didnt offer transport, although they had changed it last minute, so that meant more 2h on the bike for me on the first day, the finish was up the hill, which meant more to come back hotel.
And the course marking was as it was, very poor. I think the people who made the marking have no idea what it is like to be a rider on the course.
The had not put any effort into the tracks, overall the feeling was like they wanted the foreign riders to feel unwelcomed.
What made the trip a bit more pleasant was the other riders, I got to share hotel room with the Chile girl and people from Slovakkia and Serbia were also nice. So the trip was not all bad.
As for the races, I wanted to have a race with good riders, but I have to be honest, my mental was tired, the peak towards the enduro cup final had taken its toll, I was tired mentally from pushing very hard. I did my best and it was not bad, but I would have like to lose a bit less.
Made it to top 10 in the end!
Oh and the hotel was among the burnt down area, first days I was sad for them, like oh poor people got their homes all burnt to the ground and so near to sea. But as the days passed, this feeling changed to disgust towards the Greeks, very few were actually making an effort to get it cleaned and well again, I understand that maybe no money, but to get clean and get the trash away, even the place where it was not burnt, it was all very dirty and lousy looking.
On Monday I went discovering mountains with my Garmin, they have the nature to have nice mountain biking, but they dont have the people who would have the desire to make it great.
So this time its a bit less about the racing, but more about the race and environment, thank you and until the next time!
Käisin Kreekas, nägin kuidas nad seal maastikurattaasju ajavad ja isu vähemalt 10 aastaks ära, et sinna tagasi minna.
Jõudsin neljapäeval, leidsin kaks stardipaika üles, kolmanda koha leidsin ka, aga seal ei tundunud midagi toimuvat, kuna teistes oli vähemalt lindid. Miitingul saingi teada, et nad vahetasid esimese etapi hoopis sama, mis neil eelmine nädal oli, ja just selline info oligi, et sama mis eelmine nädal, mulle ütles see muidugi väga palju, ja paik oli 15km kaugemal, aga egas nad siis transporti pakkunud, et näe et me muutsime, vaid see tähendas mulle ekstra 2 tundi väntamist esimesel päeval, finish oli mäe otsas ja sealt tuli veel lisaks.
Ja märgistamine oli nii nagu oli, ehk et alla arvestuse. Lindistajatel ise vist polnud aimu ka, mis tähendab rajal ratturina sõita, et kuidas peaks linte panema.
Radadega ei olnud ka keegi mingit pingutust teinud, üleüldse oli selline tunne, et tahetigi pigem jätta selline tunne välissõitjatele, et ise tulid, ega meie sind siia ei tahtnud.
Mis reisi vähegi meeldivaks tegi oli sõitjad, hotellis sain tuba jagada Tsiili tüdrukuga ja Slovakkiast ja Serbiast tulijaid olid ka toredad, ehk et vähemalt ei olnud nii üksik ja kurb, ilma sõidunautimiseta.
Võistlustest, kuigi ma tahtsin sellist head konkurentsi, siis ütlen ausalt, et mu vaim oli väsinud, eelmise nädalani kruvitud enduro karikasarja pinged, olid oma jälje jätnud. Andsin endast parima ja kehvasti ei sõitnud, samas oleks tahtnud natukene vähem kaotada ajaliselt.
Sain siiski esikümnesse lõpparvestuses!
Ah ja hotell oli põlengu varemete vahel, esimestel päevadel oli mul selline kahjutunne, et näe kui kehvasti siin nüüd läks, et meri nii lähedal aga sajad ja sajad majapidamised mahapõlenud, viimastel päevadel aga asenud kurbuse tunne hoopis vastikuseks kreeklaste vastu, sest oli näha, et väga vähene osa neist tegeles tagajärgedega, et saan aru, et pole ehk raha, et kohe korda teha, aga koristada on kõigil käed otsas, aga egas seal ka nendes piirkondades kus tuld ei olnud, kõik väga korrapäratu ja must.
Esmaspäeval sõitsin üksi Garmini abiga sealsetes mägedes, ehk tegelikult neil olemas loodus, et olla tore maastikurattasõidupaik, aga inimesi pole, kes viitsiksid tegeleda.
Selline siis seekordne võistlusemotsioon, aitäh ja kirjutamiseni!
Täpselt nii selgelt oligi märgistatud, rada siis läks vasakule ja ei mingit feedzone seal ei olnud
Great example of the marking, the course went left and there was no feedzone
Better later than never. I thought that maybe if I write later I have something better to say, but I just say fewer.
I was in Greece and I saw how they run mountain bike things and at least for 10 years I am not going back there.
I arrived Thursday and found two venue places, the third by map I also found, but it didnt look like there was going to be something, other places had some tapes. At the meeting it was said oh we changed the place for the first stage, now its the same place as last week, at that was literally all the information that they gave, for me it was very few. And place was like 15km further, and they didnt offer transport, although they had changed it last minute, so that meant more 2h on the bike for me on the first day, the finish was up the hill, which meant more to come back hotel.
And the course marking was as it was, very poor. I think the people who made the marking have no idea what it is like to be a rider on the course.
The had not put any effort into the tracks, overall the feeling was like they wanted the foreign riders to feel unwelcomed.
What made the trip a bit more pleasant was the other riders, I got to share hotel room with the Chile girl and people from Slovakkia and Serbia were also nice. So the trip was not all bad.
As for the races, I wanted to have a race with good riders, but I have to be honest, my mental was tired, the peak towards the enduro cup final had taken its toll, I was tired mentally from pushing very hard. I did my best and it was not bad, but I would have like to lose a bit less.
Made it to top 10 in the end!
Oh and the hotel was among the burnt down area, first days I was sad for them, like oh poor people got their homes all burnt to the ground and so near to sea. But as the days passed, this feeling changed to disgust towards the Greeks, very few were actually making an effort to get it cleaned and well again, I understand that maybe no money, but to get clean and get the trash away, even the place where it was not burnt, it was all very dirty and lousy looking.
On Monday I went discovering mountains with my Garmin, they have the nature to have nice mountain biking, but they dont have the people who would have the desire to make it great.
So this time its a bit less about the racing, but more about the race and environment, thank you and until the next time!
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