Monday, June 25, 2018

Subida Mitica Rainha Santa Isabel

Neljas kord peeti ja neljas kord mul võita!
Aga ega see kerge ei ole, selle 264 m jooksul, mis seal munakivil tõusu peab võtma, lähevad jalad korralikult pakuks ja tahavad plahvatada.
Nagu ikka oli alguses kvalifikatsioon, kõik sõitsid üksi aja peale üles. Sealt edasi said neli kiiremat meest ja naist. Mina kiireima ajaga 1min4sek läksin kokku neljada ajaga. Selleks oli Fatima, kuna meie ajad olid korraliku vahega, siis oli teada, et kui midagi ei juhtu, saan edasi, leppisime kokku, et lähme kergemalt, et finaaliks hoida natuke. Aga ega isegi see kerge, kerge pole, kuna kõik ju ikka üles mäge.
Finaalis teadsin, et peale oma korralikke treeningpäevi, ei saa kerge olema, samuti Nadia sõitis kvalifikatsioonis vaid 2 sekundit rohkem. Tahtsin esimesse kurvi saada ees, õnnestus, siis istusin sadulasse ja päris maksiga ei punninud, kuid valus oli ikka, siis peale viimast kurvi ta kiirendas, sai mulle kõrvale, kuid kuskilt ma ikkagi leidsin selle varu, et natuke kiirendada ja ehk poole ratta jagu teda edestasin. Jalalihased karjusid all, valus oli. Aga sain selle koha, mille järgi läksin ja stardinumbrit hoidsin.

Forth time to organize this event and forth time to win it!
But it is not easy, those 264 m up the cobble stones, it makes the legs scream and explode.
Like before, first it was the qualify, all riders raced alone for time. From the times four fastest women and men got to the finals. I was the fastest with 1min4sec and I got to ride the first semifinal with the 4th time, it was Fatima, as our times had been so different, the outcome without any mechanicals was known, so we decided to make it a bit easier. But even easier is not easy, still got to get up the hill.
Final I knew will be hard, after my busy training days, I knew I am not as fresh and as Nadia qualified with just 2 seconds slower, it was a tough one. I knew I wanted the first position to the first corner, I managed, then I sat down the saddle and went with good pace but not all out, still it hurt a lot, after the last corner, she accelerated, got next to me, but from somewhere got the power to respond and I won her by maybe half the bike length. My leg muscles were screaming, all in pain. But I got the place I came after and matched the number plate.
Thank you!

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