Enne esimest võistlust on ikka selline teadmatuse tunne sees, et ei tea kuidas on ettevalmistus läinud ja kuidas tunne võistlusel on, täpselt nii oli ka seekord. Minu esimeseks võistluseks sel hooajal oli Porto regioonivõistlus, hea oli näha ka startlistis Barbosat, Portugali meistrit, ta elab ka siinkandis ja teadsin, et tal mõned võistlused juba seljataga ja ehk ka võistlusrütmi rohkem, see tähendab võrdlusmomenti rohkem.
Rada oli päris tore, toredaks vist tegi just see vihmane ilm, seega oli kõik raskemini läbitav ja ka vajas oskusi rohkem. Laupäeva sain ka külje maha, naljatamini ütlesin, et testisin võistluseks kummimustri pidavust ;)
Enesetunne hea ja tiimiga tore, magasin ka rahulikult ja hommikul vara üles, infos oli kirjas, et naistel kell 9 start, see pandi küsimuse alla juba laupäeval, et kindlasti venib. Veniski, aga isegi mitte nii väga, pool kümme kutsuti juba stardiritta.
Stardi sain hea, esimese mudasirge sain hästi läbitud ja võtsin liidrikoha endale. Barbosa oli esimesed kolm ringi rohkem näha, tagasipööretel ja rajalõikude kohtumisel, kuid siis oli minu sõit. Pingutasin korralikult, teadsin et sellisel mudasel ringil on ka vead kerged tulema, seega proovisin end erksana hoida, see ka õnnestus, kõige rohkem andis alaselg tunda, et pole harjunud veel nii pikalt pingutama, kuid üleüldiselt oli päris võidusõitja tunne :)
Before the first race always an uncertain feeling is inside, that unknowing how well has been the preparation and how am I feeling in a race, it was like that also this time. My first race of the season was a Porto regional race, it was good to see on start list Barbosa name, Portuguese champion, she lives also in this part of the country and as I knew she already had some races this season and some more race rhythm, so I could have some more comparison.
The track was nice, I think the rain had made it nicer, so it was more hard to travel and needed more skills. On Saturday I made a slide, I joked that I tested the tire grip for the race ;)
I felt good, nice time with team, slept calmly and early awake, it said on the paper that women have start at 9, already Saturday they questioned this, said it would delay. It did, but not that much, nine thirty we were already called to the start line.
I got a good start, and rode well the first muddy straight, so I could take the leader position. In the first three laps I could see Barbosa more often in the zig-zag parts and track meeting sections, after that was my race. I pedaled hard and I knew the mistakes are easy to come on a slippy track so I tried to keep me alert, which I managed, the most I could feel my lower back, that said I am not used to make an effort so long, but overall I was feeling quite like a racer :)
Rada oli päris tore, toredaks vist tegi just see vihmane ilm, seega oli kõik raskemini läbitav ja ka vajas oskusi rohkem. Laupäeva sain ka külje maha, naljatamini ütlesin, et testisin võistluseks kummimustri pidavust ;)
Enesetunne hea ja tiimiga tore, magasin ka rahulikult ja hommikul vara üles, infos oli kirjas, et naistel kell 9 start, see pandi küsimuse alla juba laupäeval, et kindlasti venib. Veniski, aga isegi mitte nii väga, pool kümme kutsuti juba stardiritta.
Stardi sain hea, esimese mudasirge sain hästi läbitud ja võtsin liidrikoha endale. Barbosa oli esimesed kolm ringi rohkem näha, tagasipööretel ja rajalõikude kohtumisel, kuid siis oli minu sõit. Pingutasin korralikult, teadsin et sellisel mudasel ringil on ka vead kerged tulema, seega proovisin end erksana hoida, see ka õnnestus, kõige rohkem andis alaselg tunda, et pole harjunud veel nii pikalt pingutama, kuid üleüldiselt oli päris võidusõitja tunne :)
Poodiumi asetajatel läksid 2 ja 3 segamini, kuid noh minul kui keskmisel ei olnud põhjust nuriseda :D
Podium builders had the 2 and 3 mixed up, but for me as the middle one was all ok :D
Before the first race always an uncertain feeling is inside, that unknowing how well has been the preparation and how am I feeling in a race, it was like that also this time. My first race of the season was a Porto regional race, it was good to see on start list Barbosa name, Portuguese champion, she lives also in this part of the country and as I knew she already had some races this season and some more race rhythm, so I could have some more comparison.
The track was nice, I think the rain had made it nicer, so it was more hard to travel and needed more skills. On Saturday I made a slide, I joked that I tested the tire grip for the race ;)
I felt good, nice time with team, slept calmly and early awake, it said on the paper that women have start at 9, already Saturday they questioned this, said it would delay. It did, but not that much, nine thirty we were already called to the start line.
I got a good start, and rode well the first muddy straight, so I could take the leader position. In the first three laps I could see Barbosa more often in the zig-zag parts and track meeting sections, after that was my race. I pedaled hard and I knew the mistakes are easy to come on a slippy track so I tried to keep me alert, which I managed, the most I could feel my lower back, that said I am not used to make an effort so long, but overall I was feeling quite like a racer :)
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