Monday, March 23, 2015

Taça de Portugal XCO - Marrazes UCI C2

Võitsin!!! :D
Juba nädala sees tundsin ennast kindlalt ja tugevalt, ka pedaalid mõõtsid intervall-trennis ilusaid numbreid. Nagu ikka läksime kohale laupäeval, et rajaga tutvuda. Rada oli natuke teine kui eelmine aasta. Esimene pool rajast oli päris kiire ja vähem tehniline ja teisel poolel rajast oli rohkem järske nukke üles ja alla. Ilm oli kuiv, kuigi pühapäeval olid vihma ähvardavad pilved üleval, siis jäi kõik kuivaks.
Stardist sain hästi minema, esimeses kurvis esimene, ringi keskel liidripositsioon vahetus, olime saanud kolmekesi teistelt eest, mina, Lucia, Joana. Teisele ringile minnes, olime Joana maha raputanud. Sõitsin Lucia taga ja tundsin, et jõu poolest ehk olime võrdsed, kuid kurvides ja laskumistel tundsin, et saan ise sujuvamalt ja kiiremini hakkama, seega teise ringi teises poole, kui tulid raskemad kohad, võtsin liidripositsiooni endale ja nautisin kurvide ja laskumiste võtmist omas tempos, samuti tundsin hästi end tõusudel, vahe hakkas kärisema. Viiendal, viimase ringi alguses kaotasin puupalkide ületamisel joogipudeli, joogipunktis ei olnud klubi seekord joogipudeliga valmis ja sõitsin lõpuni joogita, kuid õnneks see ei mõjutanud lõpptulemust ja jõudsin võitjana finishisse.
Jeppiiii :D aitäh kõigile kaasaelajatele ja toetajatele!!

I won!!! :D
Already in the week I felt confident and strong, also pedals showed some nice numbers in interval training. Like usual we went to race place on Saturday to check the course. The course was little different than last year. First part was quite fast and less technical, second part was more technical with steep ups and downs. The weather was dry, although on Sunday the clouds threatened with rain, but it stayed dry.
I got a good start, first in first corner, middle of lap the leader position changed, we had got away in group of three, me, Lucia and Joana. By the second lap we had dropped Joana. I rode behind Lucia and felt that by strength we were equal, then in corners and downhill sections I felt I could go smoother and faster, so I took the leader position before the second part of second lap to go with my rhythm, I felt good also on uphills and the gap started to appear between us. Starting the last, fifth lap I lost my bottle passing some logs and unfortunately team was not ready for me in the feedzone and I rode without drink, but luckily this did not influence the result and I rode first over the finish line.
Yeppiii :D thanks to all my supporters and cheerers!!


  1. Great result!
    I see you are not the only Estonian rider in the results. You are going to dominate Portuguese XC cup :-)


    1. Thank you, Jiri! Yes an Estonian, who started racing here (no one knew her as biker in Estonia) few years back, is back on the bike :)
      Will do my best ;)
