Monday, October 13, 2014

Taça de Portugal XCO - Seia UCI C2

Viimane selle hooaja võistlus seljataga, samas oli päris tähtis, kuna mu üks hooaja eesmärke oli võita Portugali xco karikasari ja kuigi olin liider, siis midagi kindlat ei olnud, kõike võib ju rajal juhtuda. Loomulikult läksin starti eesmärgiga ka võita see viimane finish.
Rada on mulle Seias alati meeldinud, palju singlit ja kena kiviaed, põhimõtteliselt kogu aeg üles-alla, esimene pool rajast rohkem alla ja viimane rohkem üles, ehk finish üleval, eriti hea rada kergelt niiskena ja seda ta ka oli.
Stardis oli ka Türgi meister, kes otsustas kolm minutit enne starti veel käsipumbast esikummi täis pumbata, minu jaoks oli see esimene kord näha sellist seika, aga elu on täis üllatusi!
Peale esimest kilomeetrit võtsin liidrikoha enda kätte ja nautisin sõitu, neljandal ringil hakkasin juba natuke unistama ja üllatusena märkasin järgmist naist päris lähedal, viimased poolteist ringi siis andsin endast veel kõik ja vahe suurenes ja finishis olin õnnelikult esimene.
Sellega esimene võit karikasarjas ja üldkokkuvõtte võit!
Aitäh kõigile, kes on mulle kaasaelanud ja kes on mind sellel teel aidanud, mul on õnne olnud teid omada ja õnn ju soosivat ikka tugevaid :) ;) AITÄH!

Last race of the season is behind me, it was important, as one of my goals of the season was to win the overall of the Portuguese xco Cup and although I was the leader, then nothing certain as on the track anything can happen. Of course I went also to the start with the goal to win the last finish.
The track in Seia has always been for my liking, lots of singles and nice rock garden, almost all the time up and down, first part more down and second part of the track more up, so the finish was up the hill, very good track on damp ground, and that it was.
There was also Turkish champion on the start line, who decided to pump her first tire with hand pump three minutes before the start, for me it was first time to see this situation, but life is full of surprises!
After first kilometer I took over the leading position and enjoyed the race, on the fourth lap I already started to dream a little and for my surprise I saw the second lady quite close to me, so the last one and half laps I gave my all and the gap grew again and I was happily first in finish.
So my first win in the Cup series and overall win!
Thank you everyone who has cheered for me and helped me on the way, I have so much luck to have you and luck favors the strong :) ;) THANK YOU!


  1. Unustasin täitsa ära, et peale finishit tuli mul minna anti-dopingusse, ootasime veel u-23 võitja ära ja koos läksime järjekorda, seal oli päris palju rahvast, võeti pea kõikide kategooriate võitjad, kui olime natuke seal oodanud, siis anti-dopingu arst ütles, et oi, et meil on veel vaid ühe naise proov võtta (neli kokku, enne meid oli andnud juba kadett, juunior ja seenior), et jäin mina kui sõidu võitja, kuid siis tuli kõne kuskilt kõrgemalt ja siiski võeti u23 võitja, seega ma läksin ära pesema.

    I had forgotten that after finish the anti-doping official was waiting for me to go for control, we waited until the u23 winner finished too and went together, there were many people waiting for their turn, almost all category winners, after we had waited for some time, then the doctor said oi but we have just one more test for women (altogether 4, before us they had taken cadet, junior and senior), so they said it will be me as the race winner, but then they got a call from somewhere higher and they wanted the u23 winner, so I went to take a shower.

  2. Congratulations to you for such a great and well-deserved achievement. I see you were fourth at worst in the series, which is great and stable performance. And win in the last race is a perfect confirmation that you are best overall.
    I am curious what will be your goal for the next season.

    Thank you for sharing your stories and experiences from all the races.

    1. Thank you! For next season the goals, well I need to rest more and think with rested head and body :) but I guess a bit more enduro, the same amount of xco and even less marathons :D
