Monday, April 14, 2014

Taça de Portugal XCM - Mortágua

See maraton läks suht-koht samamoodi nagu eelmise nädala oma. Et peale starti enam teisi naisi ei näinud ja nii jõudsingi esimesena finishisse.
Kohale sõitsin ise hommikul, kuna võistluspaik vaid 35 km kaugusel kodust, kuid seda mööda mägiteid, et ajaliselt tuli kuskil 50min sõitu. Ema on sõbrannaga hetkel siin puhkusel, et oli ka eestikeelset kaasaelamist.
Stardiboks oli teiste naiste taga, kuna esimest etappi ei sõitnud, kuid peale lintide ära tõmbamist, sain naiste esiritta, peale starti oli kohe sinka-vonka ja naised olid ühe ääre tühjaks jätnud, mulle sobis.
Stardist ära ja peale sinka-vonkat nägin, et ees ei ole naisi, sõitsin siis meeste tempos, tundus nagu mehed ei pannud täie hooga, kuidagi kerge oli seal istuda, no eks esimestel tõusudel ikka tõmmati pikaks kõik see rahvas, kuid leidsin endale head kaaslased ja andsin minna.
Rada oli täielikult erinev eelmise nädala omale, singlit vähe, singleid oli vist sama palju kui laia teed eelmisel nädalal ja vastupidi. Esimesed 50 km oli ka üpris veerev, et põntse oli, kuid mitte väga hulle. Sinnani oli mul ikka pidevalt kaaslasi, eks portugali maratonisarjas ka palju rohkem osavõtjaid, rahvast rohkem ka minu kiirusel sõitjaid. Umbes 55 km tuli naiste ja meeste raja eraldumine (naiste rada sõitsid ka kaks vanimat seeriorklassi mehi), sealt alates sõitsin põhimõtteliselt üksi, rada ikka palju rohkem loodis ja vahepeal ikka väga raske, ega ma vahet teiste naistega ei teadnud, siis ikka utsitasin end koguaeg tagant, kuna võita on ju magus :)
Päris palju oli tõusu lagedal, tundsin et päike korralikult kütab, jõin oma USWE koti tilgatuks, hea oli ka, et pudel rattal oli.
Finishis olin ajaga 3h35min, seljataga oli 76 km 1600 tõusumeetriga.
Tore oli raja äärest kuulda ka nimelist kaasaelamist:)
Hiljem aegu vaadates olin vägagi üllatunud, et järgmine naine kaotas pea 8 minutiga!

This marathon went more or less the same as the last weekend. So after the start I did not see other women more and so I arrived first to the finish.
I drove there in the morning myself, it is just 35 km from home, but with mountain roads it took something like 50min. My mother with friend are on vacation here, so I had some Estonian language cheering too.
My start box was after the first women as I did not participate in the first cup race, but after the tape was taken I got to the first line with women, as there was a zig-zag after start then women had left one corner empty and that was fine with me, I had space.
Start and after the zig-zag I saw there was no women in front of me, so I rode the pace of men, I had the feeling like they were not going full gas, I had so comfortable riding, of course first hills the bunch was formed into chain, but I got some good company and the race was on.
The course was opposite to last weekend, not a lot single tracks, it seemed there was as many single tracks this week as wide roads last week and vice-versa. First 50 km was also very rolling, there were hills, but nothing real long. I had company all the time, in this marathon cups there are a lot of participants and lot more going in my speed too. After some 55 km there was the course difference in men and women (women´s course is also ridden by the 2 oldest senior men class), from then on I mainly rode alone, the track was much more in an angle, sometimes I really was in pain, I did not know how far the other women are so I pushed myself, because winning is sweet :)
A lot of hills were without shade, I felt the burning sun, I drank all that I had in my USWE bag and glad to have had a bottle on my bike.
I was in finish with time 3h35min, I had rode 76 km with 1600 m of accumulation.
It was nice to hear cheering by name by the course:)
After when I checked the times I was very surprised, the next woman lost almost 8 minutes!