Monday, October 14, 2013

Meia-maratona Vale do Certima

Eile olin kohaliku maratoni stardis, õnneks naistele oli mõeldud pool-maratoni rada, mille üle mul oli hea meel, oli eelnevalt trennis maratoniraja läbi sõitnud ja see oli tõesti raske katsumus.
See maraton oli tõesti päris kohalik maraton, et starti sõitsin rattaga kohale, Goingbike poest oli start kuskil 2 km kaugusel, starti läksingi pigem poe reklaamnäona kui suurest tahtest maratoni sõita :P
Sai kenasti sõidetud ja võidetud, tundub kerge, kuid tegelikult pidin ikka pingutama, siin lähedal elab üks hea maratonide sõitja ja temaga meil käis võistlus lõpuni.
Nüüd mul käsil viimane nädal ja hooaja viimane võistlus, juhuuu! ;)

Nael kummi nagu öeldakse! :P Õnneks päästis mu kummis olev vedelik 
I was saved by the liquid in the tire! Discovered this after finish.

Yesterday I made a local marathon race, luckily for women it was half-marathon course, I was happy with this, I had ridden the marathon course once in training and it was very hard.
This marathon was really close, I went to start with my bike, from Goingbike store the start was about 2 km away, I made more the marathon for advertise the shop than from my big will of riding a marathon :P
I rode well and won, seems easy, but actually I needed to make an effort, one good marathon rider lives near here and with her we raced until the finish.
And now is the last week of the last race of the season, yeiiiii! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maaris,

    Saved by the tire sealant ;-))
    You deserved the victory as you had an incerdible end of season... and you missed the general classification in the traca XCO by one point.
    So some times luck as to be on your side !

    One more competition and vacations ;-)

