Monday, September 23, 2013

Taça de Portugal XCM - Barcelos

Mis mul öelda, pettunud olen, kuna tulemused ei kajasta seda, mis toimus.
Teadsin, et tuleb pikk, raske ja väga palav päev. Ees ootas 80 km 2380 tõusumeetriga ja üle 30 kraadi sooja.
Esimesed kilomeetrid olid asfaldil, tegin kõik, et ikka eesotsas seal meeste seas püsida, ja pidasin silma peal ka teistel naistel, mul õnnestus kenasti olla kõigist eespool, sest teades, et kui läheb kruusale, siis on hea olla eespool, et esikohta virr-varris ära ei kaotaks. No ja siis saimegi kruusale, olime mingi pool kilomeetrit ehk sõitnud, kui motikas jääb tee kõrvale ja tekib segadus, me polnud õigel rajal!!
Nüüd ei ole seda segadust sõnades edasi võimalik anda, kogu see mass hakkas siis tagasi minema, ruumi polnud, ahh ma ei taha sellest rääkitagi, teadsin, ainult, et nüüd olen mina viimane! Ja ma tulin võitlema esikoha eest.
Tunne oli täielik null, kui lõpuks tagasi sinna asfaldile sain, siis kogu harrastajate hoordid olid tee vallutanud ja järgmised 10 km läksid lihtsalt harrastajate vahelt natukenegi ruumi leidmiseks, et läbi mahtuda, kogu aeg hüüdes, paremalt, vasakult, keskelt. Oi täiesti masendav!!
Mainima peab ka seda tolmurallit, isegi mäkke tõustes oli tolm nii tihe, et kohati ei näinud paari meetritki ettegi.
Tõsine tahtmine oli lihtsalt ära tulla, kuid vist teadmine, et tööd olen selleks teinud ja ei tahtnud seda niisama maha visata. Kuigi jah vahepeal oli eestikeelset kurjustamist küll kuulda, seda mitte just kellelegi otseselt kuid kogu selle olukorra tõttu.
Esimesed 20 km võtsid aega 1 tund ja 20 minutit.
Sealt peale sai juba korralikumalt sõita, kuid kuni 50 km märgini, kus harrastajate rada ära keeras, oli ikka piisavalt palju kordi vaja oodata head hetke neist möödumiseks. Sattusin koos sõitma oma tiimikaaslasega, eks me üksteist natuke utsitasime tagant ka. Peale 60 km märki oli üks pikem tõus, kus päike siras lagipähe, tuult ei olnud ja siis oli tõsiselt raske kuumuse tõttu. Mitu meest olid raja äärde võtnud puude varju ja tegid puhkepausi, seda oli nii valus vaadata, kuna tahe ise ka puhta oli nii suur.
Kuid võitlesime edasi, tihti peale kuulsime raja kõrvalt hüüdeid, et oleme neljas ja viies naine, või siis teine ja kolmas, kolmas ja neljas, no igatahes midagi taolist pidime olema, kindlalt ei teadnud midagi ja sedagi ei teadnud, et kes seal ees on.
Lõpuks oli mu aeg 4 tundi 45 minutit ja lõpuspurdis olin tiimikaaslasest tugevam ja saime vastavalt neljanda ja viienda koha.
Selline oli siis seekordne võistlus.

What can I say, Im disappointed, as the results dont show what went on.
I knew it will be a long, hard and very hot day. 80 km with 2380 accumulation and over 30 degrees awaited me.
First kilometres were on road, I made all to keep myself in the top with the men and I kept an eye over other women, I managed nicely to be in front of them, as I knew when it turns into the off road, it will be good to be in front, so I would not lose the sight of the first position. Well then we turned into off road after some half a kilometre the motorbike stops and confusion rises, we were not in the right road!!
Now I cannot put the mess that started into words, all this mass of people started to turn back, there was no room, ahh I dont want to even talk about it, I only knew that now I was the last woman! And I came to fight for the win.
My feeling was down, when I finally arrived to the road again, then all the hobby riders were occupying the road and next 10 km went by by searching some space between riders to get passed, yelling all the time, left, right, middle. Oi it was depressing!!
I have to mention also the dust, even on uphills the dust was sometimes so thick that I couldnt see even few meters in front.
I really wanted to just pull out of the race, but I think just the thought that I have worked for this and I did not just wanted to throw that away. Although yes sometimes people could here some cursing in Estonian, it was not directed really to anyone, but just to the general mess.
First 20 km took 1 hour and 20 minutes.
After that could start to ride more normally, but until the 50 km, where the hobby riders track turned away, there was still a lot of times to just wait for good moment to pass. I ended up riding with my teammate, we were pushing each other. After 60 km sign there was one longer uphill with the sun shining so hot, no wind, that was so hard with the heat. Many man just pulled aside to the shade for rest and it was so painful to watch, I wanted too.
But we fought further and occasionally we heard people saying that we were fourth and fifth or second and third or third and fourth, so we didnt know exactly, and we didnt know who were in front.
In the finish my time was 4 hours and 45 minutes, in sprint to the finish I was faster than my teammate so I got fourth and she fifth.
So that was the race this time.


  1. Selline korraldajate eksimus rikub kindlasti tuju, team saab protestida ja nõuda tulemuste tühistamist. Tegelikult võitis ikka see kes läbis kõige pikema distantsi :)

    1. :)
      Tiimide koosolek kohtunikega on tulemas, loodetavasti aitab ehk see tulevikus sellist jama vältida

  2. I can't imagine the resulting confusion, it must be hard to make all the riders turn back. It's hard to believe that the leading motorbike can go wrong way.

    I understand your disappointment.

    P.S. I envy you hot and sunny weather.

    1. :)
      Well I am enjoying now some fresher weather, autumn has arrived here too, nice and 23 degrees!
      At the race I checked my polar, 32 degrees average 39 max!!

    2. It was really hot race.
      Here its about 15 degrees with showers almost everyday, but forecast is good so I am looking forward for some riding.
