Oli väga vahva nädalavahetus, laupäeval käisime Lousas rada vaatamas, oli päikeseline ja kuiv. Pühapäeval hakkas sadama täpselt stardis, oli ka väga tuuline. Greete oli meie tiimi maantee sõitja, tal oli 26 km mäkke, arvestasin nii umbes, et kuskil natuke alla pooleteisttunni läheb aega, et nii 20km/h. Ja hiljem tuli välja, et oligi nii. Kuna mina ootasin all ja väga midagi ei teadnud, üleval ei olnud ka levi ja ega dh sõitjad ka ei teadnud, millal üles jõutakse. DH rada oli 9 km pikk ja arvestasin umbes 15 minutiga. Üleval oli vaid suur udu, nähtavus oli olnud nii kümme meetrit ette. Ma ootasin siis all, õnneks sain autos soojas olla, et vihma käes ei pidanud külmetama, natuke sooja ja siis sättisin peale esimesi laskujaid ka vahetusalasse ootama. Olin just sinna jõudnud, kui üks segavõistkond oli just vahetuse üle andnud, kus maanteel sõitis mees, dh naine ja xco peal mees. Vahetus oli ära olnud ja ma selle venna riietust ei näinudki, ootasin ja tegin kükke, et sooja natukenegi kehas hoida. Mõne aja pärast jõudiski André vahetusalasse. Käepael sai kiiresti minu kätte ja minu osa võis alata. Esimese ringi tõusul oli tunda, et ei olnud väga soe. Minul oli siis viis ringi 4km raja peal. Tundsin end hästi ja sain nii mõnedki mehed eest kätte, paar kiiremat läks ka minust mööda, kes olid juba pea ühe ringi enne minu rajale minekut ära teinud. Nautisin sõitu ja võistkonna kaasaelamist. Lõpus öeldi, et vist isegi võitsime segavõistkondade arvestuses ära, kuid kindel ei olnud keegi. Kuna kohe peale finishit hakkas väga külm, kuna olin läbimärg, siis kiiresti teki sisse ja varsti juba saime pesema. Autasustamise magasime maha, kuna ei öeldud, mis kell see toimub, siis jäimegi hiljaks. Kuid uudis oli siiski positiivne, võitsime ära ja tervelt 12 minutiga!! Ja üldarvestuses olime 11ndad. Ja tegime ka poodiumipildid ära:)
Väga tore nädalavahetus ja tunne rattal oli suurepärane!
It was very fun weekend, on Saturday went to see the course in Lousa, it was sunny and dry. On Sunday it started to rain in the start, was also very windy. Greete was the road rider of our team, she had 26 km uphill, I guessed that she will take about little less than hour and half, about 20km/h. And as after I found that was like that. As I waited down and did not know what was going on, and there was no signal for phone too, dh riders also did not know when riders arrive. The DH track was 9 km long and I guessed 15 min. Up was very foggy, it had been something like 10 meters view. I waited down, luckily could be in a car in warm and not it the rain, then I made little warmup and then in the relay area, as the first ones started to arrive. As I arrived there on other mixed team had just made exchange, team which had man on road, woman on dh and man on xco. The exchange had already taken place and I did not get a glimpse of the man´s clothing. I waited and made squats to keep little warm. After some time André arrived. The handband switch was quick and it was my time. On the first hill I felt I was not so warm. I had five laps of 4km loop. I felt good and I catched a quite a lot of men, couple also passed me, those who had almost made a whole lap before I got on the course. I enjoyed racing and the team cheering. In the end they said that maybe we won the mixed team category, but not sure. It was very cold just after finish as I was totally wet, so got a blanket and soon in the shower. We missed the awarding as it was not said what time, but the news was still positive, we had won the mixed team category and with 12 minutes!! And in overall we were 11th. And we made the podium pictures:)
Very nice weekend and felt great on bike!
Väga tore nädalavahetus ja tunne rattal oli suurepärane!
It was very fun weekend, on Saturday went to see the course in Lousa, it was sunny and dry. On Sunday it started to rain in the start, was also very windy. Greete was the road rider of our team, she had 26 km uphill, I guessed that she will take about little less than hour and half, about 20km/h. And as after I found that was like that. As I waited down and did not know what was going on, and there was no signal for phone too, dh riders also did not know when riders arrive. The DH track was 9 km long and I guessed 15 min. Up was very foggy, it had been something like 10 meters view. I waited down, luckily could be in a car in warm and not it the rain, then I made little warmup and then in the relay area, as the first ones started to arrive. As I arrived there on other mixed team had just made exchange, team which had man on road, woman on dh and man on xco. The exchange had already taken place and I did not get a glimpse of the man´s clothing. I waited and made squats to keep little warm. After some time André arrived. The handband switch was quick and it was my time. On the first hill I felt I was not so warm. I had five laps of 4km loop. I felt good and I catched a quite a lot of men, couple also passed me, those who had almost made a whole lap before I got on the course. I enjoyed racing and the team cheering. In the end they said that maybe we won the mixed team category, but not sure. It was very cold just after finish as I was totally wet, so got a blanket and soon in the shower. We missed the awarding as it was not said what time, but the news was still positive, we had won the mixed team category and with 12 minutes!! And in overall we were 11th. And we made the podium pictures:)
Very nice weekend and felt great on bike!
Wonderful picture on the podium... I love the athmosphere!
ReplyDeleteYou all look just GREAT!
Väga lahe:)/Maidi
ReplyDeleteVõit on alati tore. Oluline, et endal võistluse ajal hea tunne. Edu! Pildil on kohaliku rattapoe särk?
ReplyDeleteyep kohalik pood GoingBike