Möödunud nädala lõpp läks teisiti, kui ootasin. Neljapäeval reisisin võistluspaika, kuna mul ei õnnestunud interneti teel majutust leida, lootsin, et tee peale jääb mõni, kus veel vaba ruumi, muidugi pidin vaatama ka hinnaklassi. Reis kulges rahulikult, kui olin juba 15 km kaugusel võistluslinnast hakkasin majustust vaatama, küsima. Ilm oli sajune ja tuuline. Peale nii umbes kuute küsimist olin juba päris lootust kaotamas, kuid siis nii 3 km kaugusel võistluspaigast sain elamise. Kuid selle otsimisega sain külmetada. Järgmised ööd ei saanud kurguvalu tõttu hästi magada, laupäeval tegin kaasa short-race võistlusel, kus põhimõtteliselt sõitsin 3 minutit. Õhtul otsustasin, et mul pole mõtet pühapäeval start minna, kui ei taha just põhjalikult haigeks jääda. Kuid see nädalalõpp on Austrias MM, seega oli natukene kergem otsustada, et ei sõida. Aga jah niimoodi üksi siin reisides ja sõites ei ole kerge mitte startimise otsust teha, kuna selleks ma reisi ette olen ju võtnud. Kuid tean, et kahe nädala pärast olen tagasi kodus Portugalis ja ei pea enam niimoodi reisima.
The past weekend did not go as I expected. On Thursday I travelled to the race place, I could not find a accommodation via internet, so I hoped to find one one the way, that some place have one free room, but of course I needed to see the prices. Travel went good, when I was about 15 km from race place I started to look and ask for place. Weather was rainy and windy. After some six places I was about to lose hope, but then only 3 km away from race place I got a place. But with the search I had caught a cold. The next nights I could not sleep good with the throat pain, on Saturday I tried and take part in short-race, but it was finished for me in about 3 minutes. In the evening I made a decision that I will not race on Sunday, unless I really want to get completely sick. The fact that this weekend there are the world champs in Austria made the decision a little easier. But yes by travelling and racing alone its never easy to made this decision as this is why I have come for. But I try to keep in mind that in two weeks I am at home in Portugal and I dont have to travel so.
The past weekend did not go as I expected. On Thursday I travelled to the race place, I could not find a accommodation via internet, so I hoped to find one one the way, that some place have one free room, but of course I needed to see the prices. Travel went good, when I was about 15 km from race place I started to look and ask for place. Weather was rainy and windy. After some six places I was about to lose hope, but then only 3 km away from race place I got a place. But with the search I had caught a cold. The next nights I could not sleep good with the throat pain, on Saturday I tried and take part in short-race, but it was finished for me in about 3 minutes. In the evening I made a decision that I will not race on Sunday, unless I really want to get completely sick. The fact that this weekend there are the world champs in Austria made the decision a little easier. But yes by travelling and racing alone its never easy to made this decision as this is why I have come for. But I try to keep in mind that in two weeks I am at home in Portugal and I dont have to travel so.
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