Friday, November 15, 2013

Olen maastikurattur!

MA OLEN MAASTIKURATTUR JA OLEN SELLE ÜLE UHKE!! Mitte, et ma ei saaks maanteel hakkama, ma oleksin väga hea maanteerattur, seda on minu sportlase karjäär mulle näidanud. Mul on hea meel, et noorena pani treener mind sõitma erinevaid alasid, siis olid meil valida - trekk, maantee ja maastik. Sõitsin kõike ja nautisin kõike! Kõik teised alad, mida ma olen rattal teinud, on andnud mulle palju eeliseid maastikurattal, ma olen mitmekülgne maastikurattur.
Miks ma seda kõike kirjutan, kuna olen ausalt öeldes pettunud, mitte endas ja enda valikutes, vaid selles, et maastikuratturid on ja jäävad vist veel nii mõnekski ajaks Eesti spordis maanteeratturite väikevendadeks, kes võivad ju sõita ja teha häid tulemusi, kuid no maantee tulemused on ikka kahekordse kaaluga.

Olen enda 2013 hooajaga väga rahul, no eks mõned lohud olid, kuid üleüldiselt võin kokkuvõtta kui oma parim hooaeg seni.
Eesti meistritiitel oma lemmikalal, nii mõnedki võivad öelda ju, et oi näe see aasta ei olnud nii kindel võit, et vahe Greetega oli väike. Greete sõidu üle mul on hea meel ja ta on tubli ja arenenud hästi, kuid no andke andeks kui see oli xco rada!?! Mina panin päev enne võistlust paika oma taktika, mida võis vaid ebaõnn tehnika poole pealt segada, teadsin, mida pean tegema ja ei midagi rohkemat, just maanteeratturi taust andis mulle taktika mänguks põhjust sellisel kiirel ja lihtsal rajal. Seega minu jaoks oli see võit sama kindel kui eelmiste aastate oma.
Minu üks suur eesmärk võita oma esimene 1. kategooria UCI sõit sai ka teoks. Tõesti nägin väga palju vaeva ja mäletan paari nädalat enne seda, kus ei saanud peale võistlust järgmine päev puhata vaid oli jälle tööpäev rattal, see kõik tasus ära ja sel päeval Rio do Mouros ma tõesti tundsin end tugevana!
Siis UCI sõitudest veel 2. kategooria esimene koht ja teine koht, see aasta neid UCI sõite väga ei olnud, kuna eks alaliidud hoiavad ka raha kokku, ei olnud olümpiaks punktide kogumise aasta. Kuid võite oli see aasta veel ja veel, nii xco kui xcm kui uuel avastusel enduros, samuti hõbeda üle DH eestikatel olen uhke!
Nojah tõesti ei olnud Eestimaa pinnal väga palju, kuid eks mu ressurssid seavad ka piiranguid ja ei saa lubada endale edasi-tagasi lendamist iga kuu või kahe tagant. Kuid ega need maratonisõidud, mis rohkem ikkagi rahvasportlastele mõeldud, ei olekski midagi andnud.

Ikka ja jälle taban end mõttelt, et Eesti spordis saavad tuge ja tunnustust vaid need naissportlased, kellel on isa või mees spordialaga seotud. Seega ei ole mõtet üldse lootagi, et Eestis rohkem naisi hakkaksid suurema tahtega sportima, eriti siis sellistel aladel, mis on n-ö meeste spordialad - füüsiliselt väga kurnavad, kuid just seal on tuge ja tunnust vaja, et oleks rohkem naissportlasi kui vaid mõned.
See aasta mul oli kahju näha paari naisratturit, kes sõitsid küll sini-must-valges, kuid kelle klubi ei pidanud seda tähtsaks, ehk et sõidetigi selles särgis, mis poodiumilt oli saadud. Kui palju see ühe ekstra särgi tegemine klubile ikka maksaks, kuid mida see tähendab sportlasele!! Võin öelda, et see tähendab ikka paljudes kordades rohkem!! Seda ma räägin enda kogemusest!

Nagu ma alguses ütlesin, olen uhke, et olen maastikurattur ja ei kahetse, et ei hakanud maanteeprofiks, mul oli see võimalus. Ega ma trofee mittesaamise pärast ei olegi pettunud, vaid just tunnustuse jagamisest jääb puudu. Kuid mis seals ikka, ma olen veel tugevam kui varem ja õnnitlen kõiki maastikurattureid ja naisrattureid, kes on andnud endast nii palju, kõvad olete!! ;)

Tahan tänada oma treenerit Marci, kes on mind sellel teel aidanud ja alati kaasaelanud ja tunnustanud. Aitäh!
Samuti Saksa Automaatika toetus ja Harri huvi minu käekäigu järele on olnud mulle suur tugi ja innustus anda endast parim!
Suur tänu ka Andréle, kes on alati toetanud ja aidanud, kuidas saanud. Aitäh mu teistele sponsoritele, Goingbike pood, Oliveira, USWE ja GNLD ning mu klubi Saertex Portugal/Edaetech/Lavarinhas.
Loomulikult suur aitäh ka kõigile teistele, kes on mind abistanud ja toetanud või korragi siiralt öelnud - sa oled tubli! Mõnikord ei olegi rohkemat vaja! Eriti siis sellistel hetkedel, kus paljud unustavad, et suur töö ja endast 100% andmine ei tähenda alati võite ja õnnestumisi... AITÄH! :)

I AM A MOUNTAIN BIKER AND I AM PROUD OF IT!!! Not that I would not get along on the road, I would be a very good road rider, my cyclist career has shown it. I am very happy that when I was starting with cycling then my first coach encouraged to ride different disciplines, we had possibility to ride on track, road and mountain bike. I rode all and loved all! All the disciplines I have practised on bicycles have given me some extra ability, I am a versatile mountain biker.
Why I write all this, well honestly I am disappointed, not in me or in my choices, but in the fact that mountain bikers are and will probably be some time as little brothers to road riders in Estonian sport, they can ride and make great results, but well road results have double the value.

I am very content with my season 2013, I had my lows, but overall I can say it was my best season ever.
Estonian champion title in my favourite discipline, many may say that this year it was not so sure, as we had little gap with Greete. I give credit to Greete, was a very good race and she has developed nicely, but really was it a xco course!?! I set my tactic the day before, only bad luck in equipment fail would have made it unsuccessful, I knew what I needed to do and nothing more, exactly the road rider´s background gave me the tactic how to ride on that fast and easy course. So for me this win was as sure as previous years have been.
My one big goal to win my first 1. category UCI race was accomplished. Really, I worked so hard for it, I remember the weeks before, when I could not rest after a race the next day as I had another work day on my bicycle, but all was worth it, that day in Rio do Mouro I really felt strong!
Then 2. category UCI race win and a second place, this year there were not so many UCI races, as the federations save money as well, it was not a year to collect olympic points. And there was many and many other wins, in xco, xcm and in my new adventure in enduro, also I am proud of my silver medal in DH national champs!
Ok I was not so much time on Estonia´s ground, I have my limits and cannot afford to fly back and forth every or second month. And those marathon races there, that are more meant for the hobby riders, would have not given me much.

Time and again I find myself from the thought that in Estonian sports, only the female athletes, who have a father or husband who is connected to the sport, get support and recognition. So there is no point in hoping that women in Estonia would start to train with more motivation, especially in those so called men´s sport - the physically exhausting, but exactly there the support and recognition is needed if we want more than couple of female athletes.
This year I was sorry to see some female cyclists who had the blue-black-and-white, but whose team did not appreciate it, so they rode in the blank jerseys that they got from the podium. How much would it cost to the team to make one extra jersey, not much, but how much would it mean to the athlete!! I can say, it means so many times more!! And this I know from my experience!

Like I said in the beginning, I am proud to be a mountain biker and I dont regret that I didnt go for road profi, I had the chance. I am not disappointed in not getting the trophy, but in the lack of recognition. But ok, I am stronger than before and I congratulate all the mountain bikers and female cyclists for their good work, you kick ass!! ;)

I want to thank my coach Marc who has helped me on this ongoing journey and always cheered and recognised my work. Thank you!
Also Saksa Automaatika support and Harri´s interest in my work has been so big support and encouragement to continue to give my best!
Also thanks to André, who has supported and done all that he can to help me. Thank you my sponsors, GoingBike store, Oliveira, USWE and GNLD and my team Saertex Portugal/Edaetech/Lavarinhas.
Of course big thanks to the all people who have helped and supported me or even once sincerely said ´well done!´ Sometimes it is enough! Especially in those moments when many forget that hard work and giving 100% does not always mean wins and successes... THANK YOU! :)


  1. Thank you for your words Maaris.
    They go exactly where you wants them to go!


  2. I don't have any insight into professional sport, I just like visiting XC World Cup races. So I will take it from different point of view.

    I'm sure there are many people around you who are appreciating what you do and what you achieved.
    I can imagine how hard is it to be successful (and financially viable) without support from any big team.
    That's why I have great respect for all riders who do not give up, even riding on last positions.

    Do you mean lack of media coverage? Or support from your national cycling organisations?

    I know you are not complaining about anything but don't let this to spoil your joy of riding and racing mountain bike.
    It's better to put your effort to something YOU can do yourself.
    You probably know that what you get depends almost only on you. Support from other people would be useless without your great effort. And it's your effort what makes other people to support you.
    If you are happy with your results, what you are doing, with your life, than you have achieved more than many other people. And you have done it regardless of all the difficulties. That's the true value which makes your results (and anything else) great.

    Anyway I thank you for being a mountain biker and participating in sport I like.

    1. :) thank you!!!
      I am very happy with what I do and very much thank all the people who have helped and help me on this way and cheer for me. I know myself enough to know that I will not give up easily, because I love this sport!
      And that is why I wrote this, not to complain, but to maybe help the new comers in the sport and the woman (many wrote to me with thank).
      For your questions, we lack both of them.
      Thank you for cheering :)
