Taaskord olen sel nädalal paradiisi radadel sõitmas käinud ja uusi ja uusi radu avastanud ja nii palju veel avastada!!! No nimi on tõesti kohale õige pandud! Täna panin ennast juba natuke ka rohkem proovile, juba väiksed oja ületuse hüpped lisasin oma trajektoorile. Nüüd tunnen juba osasid radu piisavalt, radadel on palju kohti, kus hüpe ongi ainuvõimalik valik, et rada avastades ja aeglasemalt liikudes peab vahepeal ikka jala maha panema.
Vahepeal tegin ka pausi ja korjasid kastaneid, praegu on see küpseaeg neil ja juba olen ka ahjusooje kastaneid söönud. Päris hea maiuspala! Eelmine aasta kui esimest korda sõin, siis nagu ei tundunudki nii head, kuid nüüd olen teisel arvamusel. Seega oma USWE joogikoti väike kotike oli pungil kastaneid täis, oma poolteist kilo oli pagas seljas raskem. :D
Rattaga üles minnes proovin nautida vaadet, mis nii kaunilt puna-kollane. Sellel enduro rattal on päris raske kergeim käik, seega vahepeal olen ka ratta lükkaja.
Peamiste radade alumises punktis on väike talu, mille aed on lookas viinamarjadest, seal oli täna hea end natuke kosutada enne üles sõitu.
Suvel tulekahjude aegu läks väga napilt tuli radadest mööda, üleval, kuhu auto pargin, on tuli teisel pool asfaltteed kõik vaid mustjas, kuid õnneks on paradiisi radade pool päästetud.
Natuke ka pilte jutu illustreerimiseks ;)
Once again have been on paradise trails this week and discovered new and some more and so much to discover yet!! The name is really appropriate to the place! Today I already challenged myself more, made some small jumps over streams. Now I already am familiar with some trails, on these trails there are quite a lot of places where jump is the only option, so when discovering and having too little speed, need to stop and put a foot down.
Middle of the ride made a stop to pick some chestnuts, its their maturing period and I have already eaten some oven warm chestnuts. Really nice snack! Last year when I tried them first time I was not really enjoying, but now I really like. So my USWE drinkpack´s little front bag was full of chestnuts, some one and half kilos more to carry on. :D
Going up I try to notice the beauty of the forest, with the yellow-red outfit. This enduro bike has quite a big gear for the smallest so I push my bike as well.
The main trails end next to little cottage which has a garden fence of grapes, so it was nice to get some energy today before riding up.
Summer fires had past the trails very close, up where I park the car the other side of the paved road is all black, luckily the side of paradise trails was saved.
And some pictures to illustrate my story ;)
Vahepeal tegin ka pausi ja korjasid kastaneid, praegu on see küpseaeg neil ja juba olen ka ahjusooje kastaneid söönud. Päris hea maiuspala! Eelmine aasta kui esimest korda sõin, siis nagu ei tundunudki nii head, kuid nüüd olen teisel arvamusel. Seega oma USWE joogikoti väike kotike oli pungil kastaneid täis, oma poolteist kilo oli pagas seljas raskem. :D
Rattaga üles minnes proovin nautida vaadet, mis nii kaunilt puna-kollane. Sellel enduro rattal on päris raske kergeim käik, seega vahepeal olen ka ratta lükkaja.
Peamiste radade alumises punktis on väike talu, mille aed on lookas viinamarjadest, seal oli täna hea end natuke kosutada enne üles sõitu.
Suvel tulekahjude aegu läks väga napilt tuli radadest mööda, üleval, kuhu auto pargin, on tuli teisel pool asfaltteed kõik vaid mustjas, kuid õnneks on paradiisi radade pool päästetud.
Natuke ka pilte jutu illustreerimiseks ;)
üles mäge / going up
alla mäge / coming down
naeratus näol / smiling all the way
ojake / stream
alla mäge / coming down
viinamarjaaed / grape fence
kastanid / chestnuts
põlenud / burned
Once again have been on paradise trails this week and discovered new and some more and so much to discover yet!! The name is really appropriate to the place! Today I already challenged myself more, made some small jumps over streams. Now I already am familiar with some trails, on these trails there are quite a lot of places where jump is the only option, so when discovering and having too little speed, need to stop and put a foot down.
Middle of the ride made a stop to pick some chestnuts, its their maturing period and I have already eaten some oven warm chestnuts. Really nice snack! Last year when I tried them first time I was not really enjoying, but now I really like. So my USWE drinkpack´s little front bag was full of chestnuts, some one and half kilos more to carry on. :D
Going up I try to notice the beauty of the forest, with the yellow-red outfit. This enduro bike has quite a big gear for the smallest so I push my bike as well.
The main trails end next to little cottage which has a garden fence of grapes, so it was nice to get some energy today before riding up.
Summer fires had past the trails very close, up where I park the car the other side of the paved road is all black, luckily the side of paradise trails was saved.
And some pictures to illustrate my story ;)
It reminds me great weekend I spent with friends riding on such trails in summer. How long are the trails?
Well good question, I dont know. Something like 8 min for DH riders to go down, for me is longer and well I never really have made it in one continues row, too tiresome :D and well going up in easy pace is 45 minutes!
DeleteIt must be great to ride there.
DeleteSee, et peale hooaja lõppu on veel tahtmine rattaga sõita naeratus näol on hea märk. Naudi teenitud puhkust!