Saturday, September 12, 2020

Portugal Cup #2 - Souto Santa Maria

 Portugalis ka mõned võistlused toimumas, täna toimus teine Portugali karikasarja etapp, mulle esimene (olin Monacos hooaja alguses).

Kuna olin pikalt ainult e-rattal olnud, siis teadsin, et tuleb valus sõit, kuna pole harjunud nii pikalt ennast valutsoonis hoidma. Ja kuigi ma proovisin e-ratta reisil miskit trenni teha, siis südametöö pool jäi vajaka, aga samas keha oli nii väsinud, et polnud lihtsalt võimalik ka. 

Selle pooleteise nädala sisse proovisin, siis natuke valu trennidesse sisse pookida.

Hommikul ärkasin enne äratuskella, õhin oli ikka võistluseks sees. Samas ei pannud endale rohkemat eesmärgiks, kui sõita targalt ja mitte lasta ennast heidutada konkurentidest, palav ilm oli juba piisav konkurent (miinimum võistlusel 31 kraadi, seda kell 10.30 hommikul ja maksimum 38! )

Rada enamus pinnatud valgel kruusal, aga paljude piisavalt järskude nukkadega, mis ikka kiiruse alla võtsid, ja paar kiviaeda oli ka ehitatud. See oli tehtud paar aastat tagasi üliõpilaste maailmameistrivõistlusteks ja on sellest ajast peale aastaringne xc ring.

Meil oli 6 ringi, stardist minnes olid kaks esimest kohe teise sõidukiirusega, ma madistasin seal viienda koha juures, siis neljada, siis kolmanda, siis uuesti neljanda, ise alati rahu ise olles, kuna teadsin, et sõidan ühtlaselt ja nii sõites ei "sure" ära ja ei kuumene üle, viimasele kolmele ringile minnes olin kolmas, teised kohe kannul, aga iga pedaalipöördega sain natuke eest, nii et siksakke mida tegime, sain koguaeg kinnitust et sõidan kindlamalt kolmandale kohale, aga eks ise koguaeg kastes ja juues ja endaga rääkides, et koguaeg ühtlaselt kindlalt kuna vaid finishijoon on see mis loeb. 

Seega väga hea meel poodiumikoha üle, nii vähese spetsiifilise treeninguga mida xco vajab ja nii kuumas ilmas, sain hakkama :)


Some races happening also in Portugal, today was the Portugal Cup #2, my first for this year (as I was in Monaco).

As I had been with my e-bike a long time, then I knew it will be a hurt race, as I havent been in that zone for so long. Although I tried on the trip to do some training, but the heartrate work was very little, as also the body was so tired it was impossible.

So in the week and a half I tried to make some anaerobic work.

In the morning i woke before the alarm clock, the race excitement was in the body. I didnt put any other goals for my race other than race smart and not be influenced by other riders, as the heat of the day was a rival enough (minimum which was in the start 10.30 was 31 and maximum 38 degrees!)

The track was built, mainly on white gravel, but had some steep uphill sections that took out the speed and some built rock gardens. I had been built few years ago for the student world championships and from then on is a permanent track to ride all year.

We had 6 laps to do, from the start the two first had their own rhythm , I was fighting there on the 5th place, then 4th, then 3rd then again 4th, but always being so calm, as I knew if I ride my race I will not "die" or overheat. To the last 3 laps I went on the 3rd spot, others right behind, but with every pedal stroke I got some advantage, with the zigzags we did I could see that I am getting away, I was constantly pouring water on me and drinking and talking to myself to ride smooth and my rhythm as only what counts is the finish line.

So I was very happy with my podium place, with so little xco specific work and in so hot day, I did it! :)

Thank you!