Monday, March 26, 2018

UCI treener ja mehaanik

UCI koolitus läks sisukalt ja nende kahe nädalaga sai tehtud palju.
Materjale oli palju ja tegevust ka. Päevad olid jaotatud treeneri- ja mehaanikukoolituse vahel, seega sai pead ühest puhata ja teist õppida.
Meil oli tore grupp, kus maailma eripaikadest inimesi ja sai nende kogemusi ja arvamusi kuulda, enamus treenereid oli suunaga maanteele, seega oli tore neid natuke ka maastikusõiduinnustusega nakatada.
Eksamid läksid edukalt ja naasesin Maailma Jalgrattaspordi Keskusest (CMC) kahe sertifikaadiga.
 UCI treener tase 2 ja UCI mehaanik tase 1.

UCI coaching program went packed with study and got lots done in the two weeks.
We had many materials and activities. The days were divided by the coaching and mechanics course, so I could rest my head from one while studying other.
We had a nice group of people all over the world, could hear their experiences and opinions, most of the group was oriented for road, so it was nice to spread a bit of mountain bike enthusiasm to them.
The exams went well and I arrived back from the World Cycling Center (CMC) with two certificates.
UCI coach level 2 and UCI mechanic level 1.

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