Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Kuigi võistlus oli juba laupäeval, siis kirjutan alles nüüd, lihtsalt seedin alles tulemust ja proovin leida vastuseid.
Ettevalmistus oli suurt tööd täis ja kõrgemale sain ka varem, kuid kõik see ei andnud end tulemuses näole. Sain starditud viimasest reast ja olin valmistunud, et kohe end täiesti ribadeks esimesel tõusul ei tõmba, et oleks hiljem ka midagi, kuid see midagi ei tulnudki. Polnud värskust ega särtsu, samuti oli vihm eelnevatel päevadel suured mudaaugud teinud, kus oli vaja joosta, kuid jalgades kiiremaid samme polnud, nagu ütlesin, seedin veel tulemust ja minekut.
Lõpetasin tulemuste rivi 55. kohaga.
Aitäh teile kõigile, kes te kaasa elate!

Esimesed vihmad tegid rada ainult paremaks ja tundsin end hästi sellel. / At first the rain made the track better and felt nice on it.

Aitäh Kadile piltide eest! / Thank you, Kadi for the photos!

Although the race was already on Saturday, then I only now write, I just still digest the result and trying to find some answers.
Preparation was full of hard work and i got to altitude also earlier, but all that did not reflect in the result. I got to start in the last row and had prepared not to go too fast on the first uphill, so that I could have something later, but that something never came. I did not have freshness or spark in legs, and the rain had been too heavy, there were mudsections with running, where also it was hard to find the run instead of walk, as I said I still digest what happend.
I ended the result list with the 55th place.
Thank you everyone who cheer for me!

1 comment:

  1. Don't be sad because of the result.
    Look forwards, I'm sure you will do better in the next race.
