Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Jõudsin kõrgustesse

Jõudsin viperdusteta Andorrasse, kodust hotellini jõudsin auto, lennuki ja kolme bussi abil. Minu esimene kord olla Andorras. Siin on väga kaunis. Täna sai mäe otsa vändatud (1900m merepinnast), kus toimuvad meistrivõistlused, hetkel käimas seeniorite võistlused. Siin pildid nii rattalt kui ka jalutustest.

I arrived well to Andorra, from home to hotel I used a car, plane and three buses. It is my first time in Andorra. It is very beautiful. Today pedalled to top of the mountain (1900m above sealevel) where will be the championships, right now there are masters races ongoing. Some photos from the ride and from some walks.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Andorra is really nice place. I've been there two years ago.
    There is an intersection almost at the top, where you go left to the World Champs area. If you turn right, there is quiet road with nice views down to the valley. Paved road ends at spanish borders. It's worth a ride.

