Monday, May 18, 2015

Taça de Portugal XCO - Fundao UCI C2

Poodiumil, kui eelmine kord valmistas kolmas koht rõõmu, siis seekord olin natuke pettunud.
Lootsin, ootasin paremat minekut. Samas ei olnud mul seda õiget võitlusisu nagu võistlustel peab olema, ei tea, oli selline tuim päev.
Suvepalavus on siia ka kohale jõudnud, nädalavahetus oli vägagi palav, õnneks oli tuult ja rada oli enamuses puude varjus. Samas laupäeval andis õhtune peavalu tunda, et olen liiga saanud.
Rada oli enam-vähem sama, mis eelmine aasta, kuid kõik natuke veel kuivem, muidugi oli rajal üks ojakäär, et mudapritsmed ei puuduks. Esimesel ringil kiviaias õnnestus mul tagumine käiguvahetaja vastu kivi ära lüüa ja sealt maalt enam ei vahetanud käigud nii nagu peaks, mis minu pea olematut võitlusisu veel grammi võrra vähemaks võttis. Neljandal ringil viiest suutsin end natuke kokkuvõtta ja lähenesin teisele kohale, mis näitas mulle, et tulemus jäi just pigem võitlustahte mitte füüsilise vormi taha kinni, sest ega kerge ei ole kunagi.
Aitäh kõigile, kes mind toetavad.

On podium, last third place made me happy, this time I was little disappointed. I hoped, wished for better. But to be honest, I did not have the correct mind set, I was not eager to fight as in competition is needed, dont know, was kind of dull day.
The summer warmth has arrived and the weekend was quite hot, luckily there was wind and the course was mostly in shade of the trees. Nevertheless on Saturday evening my headache noted that it had been little too much for me.
The course was more or less the same as last year, only even more drier, of course there was a stream running across the track so we would still have some mud splashes. On the first lap I managed to hit my rear derailleur to a stone in the rockgarden, so from that moment on my gears were not working well, which lessened even more my fighting spirit. On the fourth lap of five I managed to pull myself together and started to lessen the gap in front, which showed me even more that the result today was as it was because of my mind set and not my physical condition, as it is never easy.
Thanks to everyone who support me.

Võistlustulemused ei ole veel üleval, tean vaid, et kaotus Luciale oli 2min33 ja Joanale 31 sekundit.
Race results are not yet up, but I know that gap to Lucia was 2min33 and to Joana 31 seconds.


  1. You are definitely able to win xc cup like last year, I have full confidence in you.
    Don't forget to enjoy riding and racing, you are doing what you like, and hopefully bad mood will be gone.


    1. Thank you Jiri! I appreciate your words! Yes I know the trophy can be mine this year as well, Im feeling better today, but I will not forget how I felt yesterday, as its the best thing not to repeat it again :) as the feeling of I am much better than the result showed is the worst feeling. best regards and good rides to you too !

    2. Thank you. I'm getting ready for MTB marathon at the end of May, my first race this year.

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