Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Veel midagi uut:)

Eelmine nädal läks rahulikult, trennid olid kergemad ja põõnasin rohkem:) Üks uus kogemus oli ka, sain proovida pumptrackil sõitmist, väga lahe. Ja seda siis ka dirt rattal. Neile, kes nendest sõnadest nüüd aru ei saanud, siis ühe pildi link siin, et aimu saada, mis ma siis tegin http://arrowheadtrails.com/images-2010/Pump-Track-1.jpg Midagi taolist siis:) Alguses ei olnud väga sujuv ja kaotasin kiirust , kuid lõpus tegin juba ringe ilma pedaalimata.

Last week went with ease, trainings were easy and I slept more:) Also got one new experience, I got to try and ride pumptrack with dirt bike, very cool. First I was not very smooth and lost speed, but after some time I got to make circles without pedalling. (The link above is to those who dont know what it looks like;))


  1. Ei ole liiga hilja uute asjade proovimiseks:)

  2. Very good training to learn to keep the speed while saving some power in your legs!
    Just perfect at this time of the year!

