Täna võtsin osa ühest Sveitsi regionaalvõistlusest. Rada oli kiire, vaheldumisi metsaalune ja asfalt. Stardis olid koos nii mehed kui naised, päris korralik rahvamass oli koos. Enesetunne oli juba täitsa tiptop, keha on saanud kenasti puhata peale eelmist nädalat. Lõpetasin teisena, esimest naist ei näinudki, oli eespoolt startinud ja suutis ees lõpuni püsida. Võistlus andis positiivse tunde, kuna jalas jälle on midagi.
Tore oli ka võistlema minna kellegiga koos. Tore päev Alexandraga
Today I participated in one Swiss regional race. Course was fast, forest road and asfalt. The men and women started all together, there was quite a lot of people. I felt good, my body has recovered from last week. I finished second, I did not see the first woman, she started in front and was strong enough to stay there. The race gave me positive feelings, had something in the legs again.
And it was nice to go for race with company. Nice day with Alex.
Tore oli ka võistlema minna kellegiga koos. Tore päev Alexandraga
Today I participated in one Swiss regional race. Course was fast, forest road and asfalt. The men and women started all together, there was quite a lot of people. I felt good, my body has recovered from last week. I finished second, I did not see the first woman, she started in front and was strong enough to stay there. The race gave me positive feelings, had something in the legs again.
And it was nice to go for race with company. Nice day with Alex.
Mõnel rahvarohkemal sõidul osalemine tuleb kindlasti kasuks ja annab positiivseid emotsioone. Ainult tippudega koos sõites kipub ununema, et enamus inimesi maailmas, sõltumata sellest palju nad treenivad, ei suuda kunagi rattasõidus sellisele tasemele jõuda.