Eks mul need rattavõistluse hooajad kergelt juba teist nägu, aga eile võib öelda, et algas siis 2025. Siiani eliidi litsentsiga ;)
Kuigi ma olin juba jaanuaris ja veebruaris ühe stardi teinud, siis seda kohaliku valla vastupidavus sarjas, kuhu panin kirja just lihtsalt sellepärast, et toetada kohalikke korraldajaid, seal ei ole litsentsi alusel sõitmine, vaid vanuse ja olen noppinud need kaks esikohta.
Talvine trennitegemine ei ole läinud just kõige paremini, küll oli tavatult palju lihtsaid külmetusi, ning jaanuaris ka muret tekitavam seljavalu, millega käisin ka arsti juures, pandeemia ajal avastatud jooga on nüüd veel rohkem päevaplaanis.
Hooajaks on veel paar uuendust plaanis, eks kui aeg valmis, kirjutan.
Aga nüüd siis eilse juurde. Melgaço rajal olen mõned aastad käinud, seal on looduslikult väga palju kivi, vahel tundubki, et sõidame justkui ühe suure kivihunniku peal, kus natuke ka mulda ja juurikaid.
Sel aastal korraldatakse seal ka Euroopa meistrivõistlused, selleks on nad rada natuke muutnud, et kõigil laskumistel oleks piisavalt valikut ja samuti tõusud palju avaramad. See kõik tähendab, et liine on tohutult palju kuidas neid kive läbida. Mul oli laupäeval väike error, et kuna rada muudetud ja laiem, siis oli raske alguses oma liine leida ja oma sujuvust. Sest just oma trajektoori leidmine ja sujuvus on selle raja oluline punkt, muidu jääd kivide vahele kinni ja kaotad palju aega. Jätsin meelde tõusunukid, kus vaja eriti hoolikas olla ja jõudu targalt rakendada, et saaks trajektoor tehtud ja aeg ei jää kivide vahele.
Võistlusele oli tulnud ka Treki vabrikutiim, ehk siinsele tavapärasele seltskonnale oli lisaks veel kaks. Stardis sain ka esireast startida, stardistaadion on natuke hirmutav just kiirusega läbimisel, aga saime kõik probleemideta rajale. Ma jäin kergelt karpi ja olin seal 8-9 koha juures metsa esimesel tõusul. Kuna tõus piisavalt lai siis tõusu lõpus nägin, et saan natuke kiiremini ja möödusin mõnest, et ei peaks laskumisel väga toppama, sain Leandra taga alla, kuid tundsin, et järgmisel kui võimalik, on hea kui saan eespool teda, kuna natuke kiiremini oleks tahtnud. Siis järgmise tõusu lõpul läks tema natuke teist liini ja mina otse kividest üles minnes sain hopsti tema ette ja sealt sain juba järgnevale minna omas tempos. Selleks ajaks olid esimesed juba nii kaugel, et seal metsavahel ei olnud neid enam näha, ega ma täpselt ei teadnud, kui palju seal eespool neid oli.
Edasi põhimõtteliselt sõitsin natuke üksildast sõitu, kõik need kuus ringi. Esimesel ringil veel tundsin, tagant oli kuklasse hingamist, kuid ma hoidsin enda sujuvust ja rapsima ei hakanud ja sain koguaeg natuke eest ära neilt. Palju oli endaga rääkimist, et olla alati hetkes ja et kividel eksimusi ei teeks, kerge seal rajal ka tehnikat lõhkuda, kui tähelepanelik ei ole. Sain ka enne Eviet viimasele ringile, see oli eriti üksildane ring rajal, vaid rajaturvajad ja mina. Õnnelikult finishis ja sain teada, et neljas naine, sel võistlusel viis poodiumil, seega proffidega poodiumit jagama. Enne seda veel mõnus turismiring jalgade lahtikerimiseks Portugali kõige põhjapoolsemasse punkti, külakesse Cevide. Tulge ka kohaliku giidiga Portugali avastama - minu giidituurid lehel MTBcamps.eu!
Tänulik, et saan endiselt rattaga sõita!
My racing seasons are slightly changing with years, but yesterday you could say that the 2025 season started. So far, still with an elite license ;)
Although I already did one start in January and February, in the local municipality endurance series, I entered simply to support the local organizers. There's no license requirement there; it's based on age, and I've won the two first places so far.
Winter training hasn’t gone exactly as planned, there have been quite a few simple colds, and in January I also had a concerning back pain, which I went to the doctor for. Yoga, which I discovered during the pandemic, has now become even more part of my daily routine.
There are still a few updates planned for the season, and when the time comes, I’ll write about it.
But now, to yesterday. I’ve been to the Melgaço track a few years, and there’s a lot of natural rock there. Sometimes it feels like we’re riding on one big pile of rocks, with just a little dirt and roots in between.
This year, they’re also organizing the European Championships there, so they’ve modified the track a little to ensure enough options on all descents and much wider climbs. This means that there are a huge number of lines on how to navigate through and over those rocks. On Saturday, I had difficulty because the track had changed, and it was wider, so it was hard to find my lines and my smoothness at first. Because finding your trajectory and smoothness is crucial on this track, otherwise, you’ll get stuck between the rocks and lose a lot of time. I remembered the climbs where I needed to be especially careful and use my strength wisely to keep my trajectory and not lose time in the rocks.
The Trek factory team also showed up for the race, so in addition to the usual local group, there were two more. I started in the front row, and the start stadium is a bit intimidating, especially with the speed involved, but we all got onto the track without any problems. I got a little boxed in and was in 8th-9th place at the first climb in the forest. Since the climb was wide enough, I saw I could go a little faster towards the top, so I passed a few riders to avoid getting stuck in the descent. I managed to get behind Leandra, but I felt that I would prefer to be ahead of her in the next section because I wanted to go a little faster. On the next climb, she took a slightly different line, and I went straight up the rocks and managed to pass her, which allowed me to continue at my own pace. By that time, the leaders were already far ahead, so I couldn’t see them in the forest anymore, and I wasn’t sure how many riders were ahead.
From then on, I essentially rode a bit of a solo race for all six laps. On the first lap, I still felt some pressure from behind, but I kept my smoothness and didn’t rush, getting a bit of ground with every section. There was a lot of talking to myself to stay in the moment and avoid mistakes on the rocks, as it's easy to break your rhythm if you're not careful. I managed to get to the last lap before Evie, the last lap was especially lonely, with only course marshals and me on the track. Happily I finished and found out that I was the fourth woman, with five women on the podium at this race, so I ended up sharing the podium with the pros. Before that, I had a nice little tourist detour to the northernmost point of Portugal, a village called Cevide. Come discover Portugal with a local guide – check out my guided tours on my page, MTBcamps.eu!
Grateful to be on my bike!