Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jepiiiiiii :D

Üks asi on seada endale hooaja eesmärke ja nende poole püüelda, teine asi on nendele võistlustele osalema saada. Just natuke aega tagasi lõppes Enduro World Series registreerimine Hispaania üritusele. Eelnevalt said registreerida vaid eelmise aasta kõrgeid kohti sõitnud tegelased ja osade enduro sarjade 2 esimest, mul polnud eelisjärjekorda. Seega ootasin kuni kell lõi 16.00 klikkisin ja sain endale 20min et registreerimine lõpuni viia. Kui omal koht olemas, küsisin ka sõbralt, kes samuti oli arvuti taga olnud, siis 30 sekundit peale 16.00 olid registreerimiskohad kinni!!! Kuid õnneks oli nutti tal ja ootas 20min ära ja need kes ei olnud jõudnud enda registreerimist lõpetada, jäid ilma ja uutel tekkis võimalus, kuid seda vaid ka mõnedeks sekunditeks, ma oletan. Seega on mul tuttav nägu, kes ka läheb :)
Aga nüüd võin edasi trenni teha ja oma eesmärke silmas pidada ;)

One thing is to set season goals and train towards them, other is to get registered for the race. Just few minutes ago ended the registration for Enduro World Series Spain event. Preregistration was just for the top in the series of last year and some enduro series top2, I didnt have any. So I waited until the clock was 16.00 and clicked to register and got myself 20 minutes to give all the data to finalize the registration. When I got mine done, I asked a friend, who had also been waiting in front of computer, but after refreshing and 30seconds after 16.00 all spots were full!!!! But he was smart and waited until the 20min were over and the ones who had taken too much time to enter their data lost their spot and he got a chance, just for some seconds I guess. So I have a familiar face to go with :)
So now I can continue training towards my goals ;)


  1. Cool ;-)
    Now you just need to work harder your abs, back, arms and shoulders ;-D

