Friday, August 30, 2013

Hetke olukorrast

Jõudsin tagasi Portugali esmaspäeval. Maanduma hakates märkasin metsapõlegut ja kui lennuk jõudis madalamale sisenesime ka suitsusesse õhukihti.
Ma ei teadnud kui kaugel Aguedast põleng on, kodus oli lahtisest aknast päris palju tuhaebemeid kapi peal. Samuti ei olnud päikeseline päev täiesti selge. Sain teada, et põleng on Caramulo mäeahelikus. Trennis lendasid veelennukid vahetpidamata üle pea, ookeani äärde ja tagasi.
Eile öösel oli suur tuul ja metsapõleng laienes, öösel kõlasid vaid sireenid. Hommikul välja vaadates esimese mõttena tuli, et ohh õnneks hakkab kohe sadama!! Aga siis jõudis kohale, et ei hakka, see hoopis tume suitsupilv. Eilsest on õhus selgelt tunda suitsu, trennis läksin põhjapoole, kus ilm selgem. Tuletõrje autod vaid vuravad, juba on siinses metsapõlengus hukkunud kaks tuletõrjujat, uudistest lugesin et kogu Portugali peale oli 12 tulekollet, Caramulo oma neist suurim.
Täna hommikul aga oleme siin täiesti suitsu sees, pole nagu eile, et on näha pilve, vaid oleme pilves, sinist taevast magamistoa aknast näha ei ole. Õnneks oli tuul natuke vaiksem kui eile, kuid siiski mitte tuulevaikus.

When I arrived to Portugal then I noticed a forest fire from the airplane and as the plane got lower we entered a air layer of smoke.
I did not know how far is the fire from Agueda, in home there was some ash on cupboard from an open window. And the days were not totally clear on cloudless sunny days. I found out that fire is in Caramulo mountain range. In training water plains were flying back and forth between the ocean and fire.
Yesterday night the wind was very strong and fire spread, sirens were heard all night. Looking outside in the morning the first thought was ,oh yes it will rain!! And then I realized, no it wont, its a cloud of smoke. From yesterday the smell of smoke is well distinguished, I went riding more in the north were its clearer. Fireman trucks are constantly driving, in this fire already two firemen have lost their life, I read from the news that there are 12 fires in Portugal, Caramulo one is the biggest.
Today we are in the smoke, not like yesterday when there was a cloud to see, but we are in the cloud, I cannot spot any blue sky from my bedroom window. At least the wind was more calmer, but not totally quiet.

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