Monday, June 5, 2017

Portugali enduro karikasarja 3.etapp - Alportel

Hüppasin siis maantee rattalt uuesti enduro rattale. Tegelikult ei olnud päris nii, tegin nädala sees korralikult trenni oma xco rattal, enduro võistlus oli pigem kestvus ja tehnika trenni eest kui võistlus mulle, eesmärgid on mujal. Kuid siiski läksin sinna võitma!
Suure tõenäosusega olekski võitnud, kui mul ei oleks tehnilist probleemi olnud.
Nagu ikka sellisel aastaajal on seal lõunas mõnusalt kuum või noh mis nii mõnusalt kui täisvarustus seljas ja peab lauspäikese käes mööda mäekülge üles rühkima. Laupäeva treeningul tundsin end vägagi kehvasti, olime ka varahommikul reisinud ja keha oli niisamagi väsinud. Kuna mäed seal lõunas ei ole nii suured, siis minu jaoks natuke lühikesed need laskumised, hakkad nagu nautima ja siis lõppeb juba ära, seega ei olnud just sellist kõige suurema hurraaga pühapäeval starti minnes, samas võistlusvaim oli olemas. Õnneks oli ka tugev põhjatuul, mis lagedamates kohtades mõnusalt jahutas.
Esimesel lõigul päris alguses tuli mul aga kett maha, alguses kui tundsin, et midagi ketiga, siis mõtlesin et veeren alla ära, kuid siis tuli meelde et lõigus on ka üks sirge, kus tuleb kindlasti vändata, et edasi liikuda. Seega jäin seisma ja pusisin ketiga natuke. Kuna ka seekord olin laenatud rattal ja pole varem eest ühehammakaga rattaga ketiga pusinud, siis läks kuidagi hiiglama kaua aega, kaotasingi hirmsalt aega sellise lühikesel lõigul. Kahju, samas oli sees nüüd see tunne, et kas tõesti saab mul probleeme olema kogu enduro jooksul.
Teise lõigu starti jõudsin hea ajavaruga ja kuna mobiil mul USWE kotis, siis uurisin Andrelt, et kas mul on võimalik midagi teha, et kett jälle maha tulema ei hakkaks, oligi, pingutasin kruvi (kõik tööriistad ju ka kotis kaasas) ja sellest aitas ning rohkem mul probleeme ei olnud, kuigi hirm oli koguaeg naha vahel kui rohkem raputas.
Kõik järgmised lõigud läksid hästi ja endalegi natuke üllatusena nautisin ja mul oli tore radadel. Samuti oli hiljem hea näha, et strava lõigud, mis eelmise aastaga kattusid, olid kõik kiiremini see aasta sõidetud. Seega isegi kui enduro rattal pole väga olnud, siis kiirus ja tehnika on arenenud. Samuti on ka konkurent rohkem trennidesse panustanud ja arenenud, et nende lühikeste lõikudega ei suutnud oma ajakaotust esimeses lõigus tasa teha. Samas mul väga kehv meel ei ole, kuna tean, et olen kiire, kuigi alati on hea hiljem poodiumi kõrgemale kohale astuda!
Aitäh sulle!

Jumped from my road bike onto the enduro bike again. Well actually it wasnt quite so, I made some good trainings on my xco bike during the week, the enduro race was more of an endurance and technical training than a race for me, as the goal are elsewhere. But for sure I went there to win!
Most probably I would have won if I wouldnt have mechanical problem.
Like always at this time of year it is nice and hot in the south, the nice part can be argued with the full equipment on climbing a slow up hill in full sun. On Saturday´s training I really felt bad, also we had made the travel early morning so the body was also tired from that. As the mountains are more hills in the south, so the descends are way too short, start to enjoy the downhill and boom its finished already, so I was not going to Sunday´s start with that hurraaaayy feeling, but the racing spirit was there. Luckily a strong north wind was blowing on Sunday , which was refreshing on the open parts.
Quite in the beginning of the first stage my chain dropped off, at first I was thinking that I will roll all the way down like this, but then I remembered that the stage had a flat part, where we need to pedal to move forward. So I stopped and struggled with the chain. As also this time I was with borrowed bike and it was onechainring bike and I havent had experience with chain drops, so it took me way too long time to get it back on. Shame, but also now I had the feeling in me that uff really I will have this trouble during the whole enduro.
I arrived with good time spare to the second stage and as I carry my phone in the USWE bag, then I contacted Andre and asked if I can do something so the chain wouldnt come off so easily, I could, I tightened (as I have all the tools also with me) a bolt and it helped I didnt have the problem no more, although I had the fear in my until the end of enduro every time it was more pumpy.
All the next stages went well and surprised how much i managed to enjoy it and I had good time on the tracks. Also it was nice to see from strava segments that the parts that where the same with last year, I was faster. So even that I havent been much on enduro bike this year, the speed and the techique are improved. Also the competition has become more tight, with these short stages I was not able to make up time that I lost in the first one. So I am not too much dissappointed, as I know I am fast, but always its nice to step onto the highest place on the podium after the race.
Thank you!

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